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SV/ST 9mm

Phil Dunlop

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With Australia shutting its doors to 40 cal, I'm looking at converting my gun to 9mm to shoot over there next year.

Most Aussies have rebarrelled in 38super and seem happy with the conversions.

I'd prefer the option of buying factory ammo there, rather than travelling with minor 38s and I'm wondering what the negatives are for the 9mm?

Do they work reliably, (obviously new mags are needed and they can only be 10 rds) and what is the 9mms accuracy like compared to a Super,



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Same bullet, same barrel, same accuracy. Ok someone might preach .355 vs. .356 but they are full of something if they think they aren't "practically" the same. BTW I shoot either .355 of .356 in my .38 super, it doesn't notice the difference.

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9mm and 38 super (a 9mm magnum for all practical purposes) both shooting minor at the same power factor are just as accurate. It would be like asking which is more accurate a 357 magnum (shooting minor) or a 38 special. Same bullet, same velocity, same accuracy. The only negatives if you are shooting minor would be in .38 super, and that would only be brass cost. 9mm is the ticket for shooting minor. If you don't like it you could always re-chamber it to 38 super.

ps. the mags for 9mm work fine with the spacers.

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Thanks for the info, Benny I've got a SV I/C breechface slide, which is why I am concidering 9 over 38.

Having some experience of factory 40 feed problems in my SV I'm cautious about how a 9mm might work.

Do the spacers, (never seen one) fit the 10rd mags?

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I have both an SV and a STI 9mm. I load a 145gr lead bullet for the 9mm's and use my 38 super STI mags for them. I have never had a feeding problem doing this in either gun. I own the spacers - have never had to stick them in a mag. Dawson sells them if I remember right.

The spacers should work in a 10 round mag - you may have to trim them though. It's a thick piece of plastic that inserts into the mag at the back so the ammo will seat further forward - compensates for shorter bullets. Comes with a new follower to accomodate the spacer.

2.8 grs of clays under the 145 lead makes minor and is like shooting a toy.

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