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What Frame is best for 9mm


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I've been getting lots of different answers on which hi-cap frame is best to build a 9x19 open gun with. It's probably not the frame but the magazine that is more important in feeding reliability. Most have said SV or SxI with spacers in the mags, some swear by their Para O. My Caspian mags are temperamental, I get lots of nose dives due to the length and the tapered round doesn't really stack very well. josh

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Are your Caspian Mags the actual Caspian mag or are they the Craig aftermarket mags?



My mags are original 1st gen Caspian hi-cap mags except for two 170mm+ Craig mags. I did try feeding by just cycling through 9x19 rounds and I was getting nose dives. Maybe the length on the rounds were too short and may need to seat the bullets to max. Both my open gun feeds 38 supercomp 100% because I tuned the mags, even the Craig mags are 100%. Is there anything I need to do to my Caspian mags to make them work for 9x19? I'm basically looking at a new top end in 9x19, but if it doesn't work I'll go the extra mile in getting a different frame.

Thanks for all the inputs guys. Keep 'em coming.


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I just put a caliper on some of the 9mm loads I had cycled through the gun. They were 1.165 OAL, 125 gr fmj. I wonder if loading up to 1.2 can have enough case to hold the bullet reliably? I did try cycling some rounds again and I have some of my mags able to be 100% reliable, not many though. I'm gonna take a closer look and see what's the difference between those mags and the once that don't feed 9x19. josh

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