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They don't bother some... they bother others.... but they ALL bother me!! They eat me alive and leave me with itchy scratchy nasty wounds head to toe... :(:(:(

Of course I am probably a really tasty looking meal (Rhino, you could be next), but I hate these little b*stards. At least if they are going to chew on my ass, they should be big enough that I can swat the hell out of them...... :D

(scratch... scratch....)

I'm sure that there is no worse 'range scourge' than the d*mn Chiggers in Ohio (at least the scorpions in Bend politely stand there while you step on them)...... :angry::angry::angry:

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I HATE them too!!

They can make bow hunting in the fall miserable. Thank god for Chigger Rid. Before Chigger Rid, I used fingernail polish to kill the f*&^kers. Trust me on this, there are places on your body (the places chiggers love the best, you know what I mean) where you do not want to put fingernail polish. :o

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Back in the bad ole days when I was a kid in the poverty belt of SE OK building fences I would use sulfur dusted around my ankles, waist and neck. It cut down on bites a lot. I have never found anything that will really do the job as too preventing the scratching from the bites. A commonly used method is a bath with bleach water but I don't know how effective it really is. :(:(

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Oh Yeah...

Chigger Rid my friend.

Head thee to thy nearest Drug Store and purchase Chigger Rid. It is a kinda like fingernail polish without the acetone. It is clear stuff with antiseptic in it and you just paint it on the nasty critters and it suffocates their miserable asses. It takes 24~48 hours and they will be in Chigger hell ;)

Fingernail polish will work, just be aware that the acetone in it will burn like hell on those raw spots. And remember.... there are some very personal places where it will burn a LOT worse.

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<<<Chigger mites are about 1/20 inch long, usually bright red, have hairy bodies>>>

<<<They pierce the skin and inject into the host a salivary secretion containing powerful, digestive enzymes that break down skin cells that are ingested (tissues become liquefied and sucked up). Also, this digestive fluid causes surrounding tissues to harden, forming a straw-like feeding tube of hardened flesh (stylostome) from which further, partially-digested skin cells may be sucked out.>>>

Like I said earlier, if these little b*stards are going to 'liquify my tissues, and suck them up' then I sure wish they would grow big enough that I could smash, squeeze, shoot, or otherwise KILL THEM.... :angry::angry::angry:

Singlestack, BTW, thanks for the nail polish trick. Yep, it burned a little, but almost immediately ended the itching (although, somehow having splotches of 'sparklely purple' nail polish on my skin will probably get me some interesting looks at work today) :D

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if you are looking for something to alleviate itching without the downsides of nail polish, you could try a couple of drops of ammonia (the very same your wife uses to wash tiled floor): we use it it here quite a lot for mosquitos stings.

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Is a chigger otherwise known as a tick in other parts?

NO. Chiggers are horrid little no seeums. They're really small mites. YOu don't know you got 'em until all of these red itchy bumps show up everywhere. I must've had a bout of temporary insanity @ the lake a few weekends ago. I sat in the grass to watch my son playing in the lake. 48 hours later ... boy was I sorry. Thankfully, the litttle buggers were restricted to below the knees but a pain none the less. Baking Soda soaks, caladryl and finger nail polish help with the horrid itching.

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Singlestack, BTW, thanks for the nail polish trick. Yep, it burned a little, but almost immediately ended the itching (although, somehow having splotches of 'sparklely purple' nail polish on my skin will probably get me some interesting looks at work today)  :D

That's too funny :lol: I normally use a clear polish.

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Won't normal insect repellant keep them off? It works for me.


Yep, that works and I normally spray myself down real good. Since like Reneet said, you don't know you are in trouble, until you are scratchin all your skin off. I just got caught off guard as I didn't think they were out yet. Also, for some reason I was wearing long pants, and didn't even think about spraying down my legs.... :(

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I can feel your pain, believe me. When I was in my teens I walked through a field of high grass and got chigger bites all over and I mean all over all the way up to my neck. Since then they and not other insects are the reason I actually use insect repellant.

By the way the fingernail polish solution was known even then (in the dark ages) and I can still remember walking around with fingernail polish dried all over my body for several days - used up a full bottle of clear!

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I don't know how I never came across the fingernail polish thing before, but just got back from date night with Mrs BDH and she just 'repainted me'. :wub:;):o

I will be DEET man from now on even though it eats skin, plastics, etc. The bottom line is that the bugs stay away (that is except for the ticks in Barry..... one time there I had just got done spraying my legs down and they were glistening with repellent. I walked down range to check something before the next squad showed up, and came back up range and sat down with the other RO's. I just happened to notice something on my right leg....... it was a tick doing the backstroke swimming up my leg through the DEET with a snorkle on!!!) :huh:

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In Barry, most of the ticks fall out of the trees. So, you wanna nice, shady range this year, big guy? :lol:

And, please try to rid your part of Ohio of chiggers before I get up there to teach that class...I'll bring my own bug spray, just in case. ;)


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the first year up in North Carolina for Kyle's match, found out the hard way about what I had forgot as a kid.... last couple of years used "premethrin (sp)" spray on the pants (my shooting partner suggested placing the treated pants in a plastic bag) then a spritz of DEET around the waist and elastic tops of the socks....last two years have been chigger free (of course the site of the match changed, but would guess that Oxford has as many chiggers as Fayetteville... regards

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In Barry, most of the ticks fall out of the trees.  So, you wanna nice, shady range this year, big guy?  :lol:

And, please try to rid your part of Ohio of chiggers before I get up there to teach that class...I'll bring my own bug spray, just in case.  ;)


Master Troy,

1) I had more tick problems up top last year, that down in the 'Val LEE'.... :huh:

2) Hmmmmm, rid my part of Ohio of chiggers..... well, I can pretty much certify the Dayton airport a chigger free zone.... I can certify my house a chigger free zone... but the Day's Inn in Miamisburg??? THAT, I can NOT certify as chigger free.... :D

What I did not warn you on was that you will be flying straight into Brood 17!!! We should be at the height of Cicada season then, and just think, you will be here to see it!!! :P:P:P

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