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Your Brain


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HAHAHAHAHAHAH well at least most people's brains will beleive anything you tell it. I mean it as in if you look at a lot of motovtional(sp) speakers they tell you. "Keep telling yourself over and over that something will happen or something is true and your subconsions will make it happen."

Paul Franklin

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  • 3 weeks later...
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"Your Brain will believe any lie you tell it."

It starts sooner than that.

What about all the words we string together to make those lies? Each one is it's own lie in that meaning depends upon agreement. Say something you didn't learn...


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  • 2 weeks later...
"Your Brain will believe any lie you tell it."

Author Not Known.

Paul Franklin

"Your Brain will believe any lie you tell it."

This is the founding principle of our political system..... without it, our government could not exist.

Although I prefer my own quote on the subject:

"Sheeple will always choose to believe a comfortable lie rather than face a difficult truth."

That one statement applies to foreign policy, gun control, environamental laws and almost anything else you can name.

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"Your Brain will believe any lie you tell it."

It starts sooner than that.

What about all the words we string together to make those lies? Each one is it's own lie in that meaning depends upon agreement.


Each one is it's own lie in that meaning depends upon agreement.

Lewis carrol wrote some clever asides on that subject in Alice in Wonderland. In one scene, Alice is listening to a walrus:

Walrus: "If someone were to tell me he was setting out on a sea voyage, I would ask him: With what porpoise?"

"Don't you mean "purpose"?" asked Alice.

"I SAY what I mean!" replied the Walrus in an offended tone.

And there is the famous line of the Queen who said:

"When I use a word, it means exactly what I want it to mean.... no more, no less."

I wonder how many people grasp the implication of that fact which actually applies to every word that humans utter on earth.

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"Your Brain will believe any lie you tell it."

Author Not Known.

Paul Franklin 

"Your Brain will believe any lie you tell it."

This is the founding principle of our political system..... without it, our government could not exist.

Although I prefer my own quote on the subject:

"Sheeple will always choose to believe a comfortable lie rather than face a difficult truth."

That one statement applies to foreign policy, gun control, environamental laws and almost anything else you can name.

Yes, I agree. Why is it though that our brains will believe what we tell them, but they won't do what we tell them? (Romans 7:23)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The brain is like a sponge: it has the capacity to absorb, and does, when specific conditions are present. Possibly unlike a sponge, the "mind-brain" also wonders, and the conditions present when the wondering occurs influence the result: The child asks, and is told; he accepts (unawaringly), and now believes; believing, he stops wondering, and pretty soon he's not much different than everyone else. Although our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and opinions feel as if they're our own, that's only a partial view.


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The comedian Bill Hicks had some perspective on this. To paraphrase:

"You have to admit that beliefs are funny. You have to admit that. Really, beliefs are just what you've been taught. It doesn't make them true. It doesn't make them real."

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Your brain is just another fleshy organ in your body. In most cases it is, the brain, or the mind, if you will, that tells the lies in the first place. The biggest lie it tells is "I am you". And, "without me, you are nothing".

Your mind is not you! It's a lump of dying flesh that records all of your fears and prejudices, yet does other important stuff for the body like keeping the other organs in time. Like Brian said, it's a "sponge".

Neglected as it may be, your spirit is who you really are. One very notable aspect of our spirit is that it is eternal. What happens in this life adds to the charachter of our eternal spirit. Do not take this point lightly.

This is one of the great tests of life, to train the spirit to tell the brain : "Shut Up!, I'll call you if I need you for anything." Everytime I stumble, evertime I fail, it is because I am being guided my brain. It is a tyrannical, lying, lump of flesh, that must be brought under the control of my spirit if I am to have joy.

Walk in the spirit. This is the path to joy.

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Your brain is just another fleshy organ in your body. In most cases it is, the brain, or the mind, if you will, that tells the lies in the first place. The biggest lie it tells is "I am you". And, "without me, you are nothing".

Your mind is not you! It's a lump of dying flesh that records all of your fears and prejudices, yet does other important stuff for the body like keeping the other organs in time. Like Brian said, it's a "sponge".

Neglected as it may be, your spirit is who you really are. One very notable aspect of our spirit is that it is eternal. What happens in this life adds to the charachter of our eternal spirit. Do not take this point lightly.

This is one of the great tests of life, to train the spirit to tell the brain : "Shut Up!, I'll call you if I need you for anything." Everytime I stumble, evertime I fail, it is because I am being guided my brain. It is a tyrannical, lying, lump of flesh, that must be brought under the control of my spirit if I am to have joy.

Walk in the spirit. This is the path to joy.

If so,

Where can one find his or hers spirit?


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I think Siggy hit the nail on the head, Henny. It's truly who you are, already.

There is often difficulty in sensing this because there is so much noise in our world. The persuit of money, material gain, and security, while necessary, should not be the main objective of our lives. Even speaking of spiritual things is rather difficult in our society. It's easy to get branded as a wacko, space cadet, or religious fanatic. But, the spirit is not concerned over this.

The spirit, soul, heart, whatever we call it, can be rather elusive. Think of a wild creature like a moose or badger. They seek solitude in quiet places. But, they are certainly not timid. The eagle soars high above the world, but not out of fear.

It's just what an eagle is. It's his way. It's what he was created to be.

I think you are like an eagle, Henny. Just figure out what you were created to be, and be it for the One who created you.

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"Your Brain will believe any lie you tell it."

Lanny Basham used this fact in his training to acheive an Olympic Gold Medal. He also discovered that the brain does not comprehend the negative in language, so if you tell yourself "don't jerk the trigger", the brain hears "jerk the trigger".

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