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Being Back


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Its been one month almost exactly since I shot an IPSC match for the first time in a long time. I really enjoyed it. Since then I've dry fired regularly, got the gun tuned nicely, practiced only once - but established a schedule, and have shot three matches.

Its nice to be back. I haven't shot a good match yet. Last match I shot only ok - I dropped a lot of points and on one stage, somehow I managed to peel the nail back on my middle finger of my shooting hand. I have no idea how I did it, but I had one stage left and it was hard to do when I was trying to conceal my bloody middle finger. Nevertheless I had a ton of fun.

Its taken me a long time to realize that this game is challenging and fun. That I should strive to be the best, but also enjoy the trip. I don't know that I'll ever shoot the way I once did, but I know I'll enjoy trying to get there much more this time around.

The people have truly made the difference. I wrote a note to one of my old sponsors with a marketing idea the other day and mentioned I was getting back into it. First question in the e-mail back - How can we help - we want you wearing our colors on the line. I couldn't believe it - I haven't shot in years. I'm barely competitive on the local circuit and this wonderful supporter of the industry is chomping at the bit to help. Amazing.

I have my first "bigger" match this weekend and am looking forward to it. I don't know that I have an expectation, which is unusual. Used to be I expected to win. This weekend? I think I've got a good shot at winning. I've got a good shot at not winning. I don't really know how it'll pan out - but I'm still looking forward to it. I have to shoot my first Texas Star there - and that has me a little nervous . . .

Monday, at the end of the match, I was hanging out shooting the bull with some of the other shooters. That was too much fun too. As I grabbed my bag and started to head out, one of the guys followed. We were just gabbing about this, that and the other and he says "Jack, its really good to have you back"

That statement makes what happens this weekend null and void. I am the most fortunate and blessed man on earth. In life, in love, hell even on the job. And as I fully contemplate all that is going on around me - as I anxiously await Steve's Dry Fire Book, and my new Pact timer, and my next practice session, I am overwhelmed with one thought - Damn its good to be back doing this!

All of you are great, and I want to Thank You as I've thrown my faults and failures on this website looking for answers.


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Shooting matches...fun huh?

My middle fingernail can catch on my holster during the draw. Did that again at the last USPSA match. I've started carrying fingernail clippers in the range bag/bucket.

No sweat on the star. I've only shoot them in matches. Start at the top, find the center of the plate...trigger control...call the follow thru. Smooth is the way.

Steve's Dryfire book (with your work) will build up the confidence.

Have fun!!!

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Steve - Got the book today.

A lot of interesting and compelling things. I look forward to doing the drills! Beautiful that there is some redundancy in things I'm already doing. Looks very good. Of course my Pact timer is down and out (logically!) I talked with Brian E. about getting it fixed up, then figured screw it - the thing has been through hell and back - I'll just buy another. So I did - now I'm waiting for it to ARRIVE!

Not having a timer is by far the one thing I notice most while dry firing vs the days of old. I'm anxious to get it and start measuring progress. As with all things, not having a point of measure makes it excessively difficult to improve!

I have no idea on the finger nail thing Kyle - it just kind of happened. When I was doing this full time I can't remember a time when anything like it happened so I am assuming its a bit of an anomoly. Finger feels good for the first time today which is a huge relief. I was worried I was going to lose the nail but all appears ok now.

No worries Matt - being in the same area I'm sure we'll battle again. I'd like to get a little bit of my ass back after you kicked it so bad last match :) I didn't really expect to beat you but jeeze - I really sucked! Its all good though - cars don't run great when there is a little rust in the joints. I feel like I'm slowely working some of that out - then I'll be back to even. Fact of the matter is I know how to play this game, I've done it at pretty high levels before. Just gotta work my way back there.

Sam you're always a great supporter! You're the type of guy I simply don't want to let down . . . But I feel good this time around so I have high hopes for the future. While I would never forgo a hunt with my Dad I kind of wish the timing was better - I wanted to go to Nats this year. It'd probably be rushing things a bit anyhow so I'm certain I'm better off but still . . . I will always appreciate the support of the members in this forum!

You all know I'll have my bad days - Matt saw a taste of that in Little Rock (and that was a BAD BAD DAY!) but while I'm in the lovey mood I figured I'd share a little -

If I shoot good at the Old Fort look for a post in accomplishments!


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Ug - first bout' of frustration. USPSA updated their website w/ classifiers. While officially I am master class (because of my other classifications from the days of old) my percent barely makes the A class cut.

I'll give you that was a little lower than what I'd hoped . . . albeit I haven't shot a good classifier yet. I guess its rust - but to answer my own question - apparently I am starting out 74% below where I was. That's a lot of catching up to do!

I have the faith though -


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