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Hornady Steel match


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OK, so this isn't reloading. But I didn't know where else to ask. Have any of you had a chance to try the new Hornady "Steel Match" line of ammunition? I reload for my pistols but it sounds interesting.


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Yes, I shot three strings of them in my Glock G34, G19, and G26 over a Shooting Chrony Gamma. Ran 1129, 1058, and 1027 fps with no malfunctions and good groups, although I am getting better groups with homegrown rounds using 125 HAP bullets over VihtaVuori N330. I don't think I'll be paying $20+ a box for Steel Match often, but I wanted to see how Hornady was loading the HAP bullet. I think they're using powder more like Power Pistol than N330, and plan to call them today and ask.

A side benefit was that I was looking for distinctive colored cases to load some dummy rounds for dry firing, so I put 6 gr of sand in the spent Steel Match cases, inserted a bullet, dipped the bullet in enamel, baked it at 300 for three hours, and I have some dummies I can't mistake for anything else (g).

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I think they're using powder more like Power Pistol than N330, and plan to call them today and ask.

I doubt you will get a meaningful answer, as the ammo manufacturers do not buy the powder the way we, mere mortals, do - they buy bulk powder, not canister powder as we do, under different names. They often then blend their powders, mix them to achieve the desired burn rates, etc.

In addition, many people tried before, none got any answers, AFAIK... for an obvious reason.

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Thanks Sanfor,

I like my ammo also, 124/125 gr zero over N320. I was thinking the Hornady steel match might be an acceptable substitute if I was unable to load. Seems it is.

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