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9mm drop in barrel on a Glock 35


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I have a glock 35 and a glock 34. I was thinking about buying a KKM drop in 9mm barrel for the glock 35.

Are there any downsides to doing this. It would just be a easy backup for my Production Gun.

Would this be legal in USPSA Production division.

I also have a STI Eagle 6" 40 cal, for limited / L10 - I am using the 35 for my back up gun there.


Edited by steel3924
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No, it wouldn't be legal. From the production rules:

BARRELS: Current rules remain in effect - you may

replace the barrel with an OEM or aftermarket barrel

which is of the same length, contour and caliber as

the original barrel for that model of gun.

You might be better off just loading 40 s&w minor for the Glock 35, if you reload. I'm not sure how reliable the conversion barrels are anyway.

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This question would be better placed in the rules forum, where it has been asked previously.

Not legal for production.

Don't be a stranger to the rules.

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