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AR trigger spring


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Anyone changed/replaced their trigger spring on their AR?

I'm talking about just the spring not the whole trigger kit.

If yes, which one is the best with light pull (about 3lb)?

Do you suggest about the idea of changing/replacing it or get a complete trigger kit?

Or how about a "trigger job" instead of replacing the spring?


Edited by timawa
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Get a new complete trigger. It isn't worth fiddling with the military ones. I've tried, and got mine to some thing usable but it still doesn't compare with a GOOD trigger.

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I started with the DIY trigger job. Cut/bend the spring leg and polish some parts. In addition the most worthwhile change I made was to install a set screw in the grip thread to remove the take-up and most of the creep. I probably shot it this way for about 400-600 rounds, no issues. I then installed the JP springs and cut the hammer tail off, no perceived change over the DIY trigger but I think the JP springs will last longer. The pull is between 3.5-4, I cut the hammer to lighten it based on reading that with lighter springs the hammer would move slower and the time to release until striking the firing pin would be longer, again, no perceivable difference before to after cutting the hammer. I was lucky in that my lower was threaded all the way through making the set screw trigger adjustment easy. I think I was also lucky in that my lower and LPK combination allowed trigger adjustment with no filing for safety clearance. What would I do now? I would do what most here say to do, buy/install the JP trigger kit.

David E.

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I have used the JP yellow springs in the past, they do lighten trigger pull, but on some guns they worked fine and others I would have light primer strikes with certain ammo using them. Save the hassle and either go with the JP Trigger kit, or one of the geissele 2 stage trigger kits. These are the only 2 I have used Im sure there are others out there. Both are great. Think the Geissele is a little more money.

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The jp yellow spring should be used in conjuction with a lighter hammer. Easy enough to cut the tail off a milspec hammer to accomplish this. If you do not lighten the hammer, light stikes are common.

Edited by mpeltier
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