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Please help with Mag Issue- Video


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I have been having issues with mags not dropping free. they seem to get stuck. When they get stuck you can pull the down a little bit and then they fall free. Its like they are getting wedged in the grip. I have looked it up and down for two days and nothing. So please watch the video and maybe you can diagnose it. Any help is much appreciated.

I do not know how to inbed the video but here is the link

Thanks, Guy

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hard to tell from the video, but my first thought has to do with the cut away or notch in the mag well.

Does the mag base plate have the part the prevents it from over seating? If not the mag be seating too deep.

Sorry for the lack of proper technical terms.

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Few things to try.

Pop the magwell off. Problem solved? The magwell is

tight and it's distorting the grip frame. Trim as needed

until it doesn't do it any more. Not that???

If you let off on the mag release a bit, does it drop?

If so, a little Dremel work or a carefully trimmed

stop rod inside the release will cure it. Pop the

upper off and look down the grip frame while operating the mag

release--- you will see where the mag release

is pinching the mag when you push the button.

If that isn't it, grab a magic marker/sharpie and color

the mag. Insert, remove, look for the scrape marks.

Figure out what's making the scrape marks. Squeeze,

file, bend, relieve as needed.

Edited by open17
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