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Fitting a safety to a widebody


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I have a ambedexerious Swenson Shielded Safety that has been mounted on my singlestack for Limited-10. Now that I have nearly finished building my Open gun, I want to move the Swenson to it.

But the finger on the right side of the safety, that normally rides under the grip panel and holds the safety on, hits against the widebody part of the grip. Is there a trick to fitting safeties to widebodies? I looked at Brownells and they only sell one safety so it doesn't look like there is a SS and DS model.


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Hmm.. You'll be much better off buying another safety; it'll be iffy if the safety lug even fits in the fire-control parts correctly and if you fit it for that gun, it won't fit the other one.

But, even with a new part, you'll have the same problem.. Most wide frames (you don't say which one) have a slot cut for the right-side under-grip finger. Failing that, you can chop it off, so long as the pin/slot is tight. I've done that too, but if the pin joint gets loose, away goes your right side lever.

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