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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

April & May


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At least one forum wizard should be able to get this in the day and a half left in this month.


What is my girl's name?


Took me about 10 minutes..... :cheers:

Don't worry though, the secret is safe with me..... :cheers:

Edited by GrumpyOne
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Paula is the ex-girlfriend.

And I've specifically not mentioned my girl's name in the forums (we've been together for about 7 months).

Since no one got it, we'll let it run into May (also since I don't have a question for May).


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If you've not specifically mentioned it, how are we to figure it out, Brian? :wacko:

All I know is that your girl is from Boston and she has train songs on her iPod. :lol:

Since I said I specifically have not said her name in the forums, I wouldn't have posted the question if I didn't think some clever member could figure it out.


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