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Dirty Optic Lens on Glock


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I'm having a problem with my lense getting quite dirty on my optic on my Open Glock. I've got a FastFire on an SJC rail above the trigger frame. After a day at the range, the front of the fastfire is quite dirty, and even worse -- the light sensor gets dirty and the dot slowly gets dimmer.

Granted, I'm shooting lead, and use a tiny bit of case lube in the comp to prevent lead sticking -- but, should I be trying a different powder? I notice more buildup when using BlueDot versus PowerPistol -- but like BlueDot for major better. Should I try AutoComp or something else? Should I try a different lead build-up agent? I can't seem to find any of the Carters Comp Spray that people have talked about. Shooting FMJ isn't an option.

I also thought about building a custom blast shield, which wouldn't be too hard at all to do, I think. I could take some 1/16" or less aluminum or SS 1" bar, put it between the SJC rail and the scope, and have it stick out about an inch forward and up about half an inch. Would that help or be more work than it's worth?

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lead bullets out a compensated pistol will definitely make a mess. most guys shoot JHP/CMJ bullets out of their open guns to avoid this problem. dont think that changing powders will alleviate the problem. a blast shield probably would help a little bit not much

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I shoot jhps out of my STI open guns, with vv powder behind them, and usually clean my lens after every other stage, and one of them has a blast shield! :surprise:

+1 yep I keep a new micofiber rag with me to do just that.

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I have the same issue with my open gun, caused by the comp. By the end of the shoot, it's pretty cloudy and I have to turn it almost all the way up to see the dot.

Edited by Bansheex
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