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Need a front sight for 6" 686+


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I'm shooting a 6" 686 + and have been using the stock sights. It's time for them to go.

I have seen totally different widths and heights from different companies, the dawson seems low, the C&S and SDM seem wide

Im looking to have a narrower front sight with fiber optic and to eliminate the white outline on the rear sight. On my 1911 I have settled on a black rear bomar adjustable sight with a .100 wide dawson front sight.

To save the money on trying different setups what are recommended brands and dementions for what I am looking for? I may just black out the rear. What are some options?


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Check out the Weigand replacement blade for the rear sight. @ .140 it should be wide enough for you. I have one on my 686. I have an early model without the replaceable front sight and had a dovetail milled into the rib and a FO front installed. The .140 is plenty wide. Am probably going to get a moon gun and go with a similar set up.



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