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My Browning gold now runs Perfect!!!!!


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I think the gold is great except for one thing. I always seem to get two shells stuck on the carrier latch, as the first one starts to move the carrier latch the next one is already on it and it jams. It would do this about every 35-50 rds.

I has Briley work on the gun but they can't fix it either, They put in a new carrier latch spring and did an action job. They are now telling people they can not fix the gold and to get the sx2.

So I made it my mission to fix the problem. The more I looked at the gun the less I thought it was the gun. I shoot the federal 3 dram 1 1/8 oz loads and the federal 3 1/2 dram 7/8 oz loads (you know, the cheep stuff from wal-mart) It costs $16.00 per 100.

I got out my calipers out and started mesuring the length of the shells. They very from 2.23 to 2.27 in length. I bought a shotshell reloading book and it says that shells should be no longer than 2.40. That is a long way off. Next I bought a shotshell reloader off e-bay (Ponsness-Warren Duo-matic 375 :) ) When I load shells on the Ponsness it makes them about 2.32 so I lengthened the crip and made shells 2.34-2.37 with most at 2.35. The loads are 1150 fps (2 3/4 dram equ) 1 1/8 oz shot.

Then I took the gold out and shot it with 10 rds. O.K. - works great. Then 50 rds with the magazine loaded to the max of 8 and would shoot 2 then reload 2 - No problem. Then 100 rds with max magazine and shoot 2, reload 2, shoot 2, reload 2... though all 100 rds. This is the equvilant of about 1000 rds loaded and shot in the normal 3-gun fashion in competition. No problem. Well you can see what my conclusions are. Its not the Browning Gold, ITS THE SHELLS!!!

Just a couple of side notes:

I took some Federal 7/8oz loads and cut them apart just to see if I could find out why they are short. They are crimping them so hard that the top of the shot cup on the wad is bent into the crimp and folded over. I don't know how these things even give a pattern at all. Also all of the factory Remington STS and Winchester AA are about 2.27-2.30 long. The Winchester AA that I cut apart have the legs on the wad bent from being crimped so tight.

My reloads cost about 10.50 per 100 if I use my shells 4 times.

Scott Peterson

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Thanks for the info on the Gold. I've finally got mine to run. Briley has worked on it several times. Now you've got me thinking that the reason it's working is because I've changed shells.

I've switched to Federal Gold medal paper hulls and they work fine. They are slightly longer. One shell it will not feed is the Remington Reduced Recoil slugs. I've switched to B&P slugs. It feeds the B&P slugs without a hitch. I don't know what makes them better. But again, I do know that they are slightly longer than the RRR slugs. You may have given me my answer.

One other change, Bennie Cooley recomended that I lighten the shell carrier by cutting a slot out of it. I tried it. No problems. I guess he knows something about these guns.


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My Gold wouldn't run with Remington Reduced Recoil slugs until the gas ports were opened up a bit. I have never had any problems with birdshot just slugs but now they are working fine. Slugs were just hanging there in the carrier and you needed to tap it just a little. This may also have something to do with weak magazine spring. Now I have a plug in magazine tube that gives a little extra tension to spring and prevents me loading 9 in the tube.

For birdshot I'm using cheap Walmart stuff for practice and Winchester AA 7.5's for matches.

mhearn: I have been thinking about cutting the carrier. So how big piece did you cut off?


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EvilPJ and others-

The shell carrier may be cut back so as to allow apprx. 1/4" of the groove that is milled into the carrier left showing. The slot Bennie refers to is similar to a Benelli, it lightens the carrier to prevent bounce and improve timing. Don't make it to wide, or the leading edge of your shells will hang up on the carrier as you load.

Scott- did Briley work on the carrier latch for you(i.e.-polish, correct angle, etc). . The length of shell should not effect the action of the Gold, unless your latch length and angle is incorrect. Remember-timing is everything with this shotgun. Another point-don't open your gas ports-get a different (read-lighter load) gas piston. Depending on the year and model you have, the gas piston has improved through the years. They (Browning)offer different models to match your shooting and loads. There are many tricks to tuning. Just thought I would throw out a few. :ph34r:

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The slot I cut in the shell carrier is about 1/8 of an inch wide and 1 inch long. I bevelled the edges to made sure nothing could hand up on them. AH6IP's comment

The slot Bennie refers to is similar to a Benelli, it lightens the carrier to prevent bounce and improve timing. Don't make it to wide, or the leading edge of your shells will hang up on the carrier as you load.

is exactly why Bennie said he recommended the cut, the bounce issue in particular. I have had this problem in the past.

Good luck.

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Thanks for the info guys. Right now I'm not going to do anything though since my gun runs fine. :)

I have seen Golds with chromed carriers. Is it just for looks or does it actually help when compared to polished regular carriers?

Brownells sells Sure Cycle (by SRM Performance Products) recoil spring systems. Do these thing work with guns that have extended magazine tubes (spring balance etc.)? Any comments about these?

Brownells part # is 100-000-073.

Catalog page 61


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The owner and president of surecycle is Jeff Hajjar. He is great to work with and has always been prompt and patient with all of my questions. David Neth uses an SX2 that is tuned by Jeff with the surecycle and their mag tune kit. He swears by it and claims cleaning the gas system is cut way down over the stock gas unit.

Surecycle website

take care, Craig

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The BGH is so sensitive to OAL of shell that lengthening them .1" makes them run 100%?

Is there any way they can be tuned (like GS tune pistols) to run other length ammo? The cheap stuff at Wally-world is good eats if it'll work.

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No, they are not that sensitive. The gun in stock condition will run anything. Adding components(mag tube, etc) introduces timing issues. It's all good though. When built right, they will shoot anything!!

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EvilPJ and others-

Scott- did Briley work on the carrier latch for you(i.e.-polish, correct angle, etc).  .  The length of shell should not effect the action of the Gold, unless your latch length and angle is incorrect.  Remember-timing is everything with this shotgun

Yes I had Briley work on the carrier latch and it helped, but, It was not perfect. Only with the right length shell does my gun run perfect. I think the length of the shell is everything on a gold not the timing. What is timing? From what I see there is no timing. Just look at how the gun works. As the bolt moves back it brings the next shell out of the mag with it, as the shell is moving back the bolt slide locks and stops in its rearward travel at the same time the next shell is on the carrier latch, if it is to short you will get two shells on the carrier latch instead of the first shell rotating the carrier latch and stopping the next one. An easy way to see what I mean is to get a short shell like a snap cap, and load it in the mag as shell 3 and slowly HAND operate the gun. It will jam every time it get gets to the short snap cap. (also this is why the short 2 inch shells will not run the gun) I don't think its timing, just length, and whether the shell has enough power to run the gun.

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There is definitely something amiss with your particular Gold. The "timing" issue I refer to is the cycling in which the action (recoil) spring works with(and against) the mag tube spring. You could very well have a bad carrier latch. BTW-what year model is your Gold, and is it a 3" or 3.5" action? And, FWIW, none of the Gold's I have worked on have had this problem, nor do the one's I use. I have run Rem, Win, Fed, B+P and others with no hick-ups. I'd be happy to take a look(no charge of course)at your gun for you(I love a challenge!)

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Mine is a 3" gold 24" turkey gun that is no longer made. My gun only jams about once a match (50 or 75 rds) and only when the magazine is full. It will never do it when there are less than 6 rds in the mag. It never did this when the gun was new either. It will also never do it when the gun is in its stock configuration, without the mag extension. I think that when the shells start moving with a full mag they either get enough force or that they are going fast enough to get 2 shells on the carrier latch. If you look at the way the first shell engages the carrier latch if you either have a short shell or one that does not have the proper head diameter it will not move the carrier latch soon enough so that it stops the next shell. Also I have shot enough shells so that the receiver is starting to get a grove in it from the shells being pushed against the receiver and the carrier latch.

Also … I might have to take back everything I said about the problem being the shell length. It might be a carrier latch problem. I.E. Its too long. Its not bent at the correct angle or the front edge of the latch that catches and stops the next shell may not be squared or sharp enough to catch the 2nd shell. I have though about cutting the carrier latch off about .1" but then the recoil spring has to push the shell in the mag that much farther. On the other hand, If the shell is the right length the gun works perfect.

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I had similiar problems, the gun was stock except for a Briley 9 round tube. Either would not speed feed when empty, or would not feed a full tube reliably.

Sold it, the GS likes to build up Super X2's and has done everything else beautifully so that's what he gets. Cut and rechoked, vent rib, OH YEAH!!!

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  • 1 month later...

I just though I would report on the Browning Gold. I just got back from the MGM Ironman, 1100 rounds, dirt, dust and lots of shooting and LOTS of reloading. The Gold ran perfect!!!! Not one jam, misfeed or fail to extract. Perfect. I think this is great feat for a gun because it is the mother of all torcher tests. I am happy with the gun and I can recommend it to almost anyone, due the fact it shoots fast and soft is easy to reload because it has the autoload feature and is 100% reliable.

Scott Peterson

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Nice to hear someone else talking about their Gold in such a good voice. I've noticed that with the +20% spring from Wolff that I can no longer use the light loaded Federal paper shells that I had no trouble with when it was in it's stock configuration (1 1/8 ounces of 9's, AA red wad, 19 grains red dot). I figure once I change back to the standard spring, I shouldn't have any issues. I've recently changed my mind and am using my Gold hunter in USPSA tactical class. I'm not going to do any cutting or chopping because it does double duty as a hunting gun. I rather prefer the 28" tube for wingshooting.. :) It just gets interesting when doing those tight quarters slug shoots.... I had been using it as an open gun with the Rem 1100 tec-loader bracket. I just wish that Tec would make a bracket for it. When I got the loads right, it was just slick putting 4 in and having one load for you. B)


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  • 2 weeks later...

My RockinHtactical Jerry harp super special Gold has worked flawlessly, and if I could shoot it as well as it runs we could be somebody. I strongly recommend the Gold and Jerry has the tuning and modifications needed down cold. Don't hesitate to give a Gold a try.

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Jerry, Jeff,

Are either of you guys going to the RM3Gun ? I would love to have a look at one of these Fusion wonders :wub:

When Kurt was over he made the odd comment that he liked one and may try and get one, needless to say I made the comment that it would be great to shoot the RM with one !! ........... the worm is starting to turn :D

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Don't think I will be goin' to the RM3Gun, work schedule won't permit. Kurt got to shoot my Gold when he payed a short visit here to shoot the TN 3 Gun. He seemed to like it alot. Blasphamy he says. LOL

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Mike, if you are coming to the RM3G I would be more than happy to let you shoot my Fusion in the match, just be careful it is a beautiful gun and I haven't had a chance to scratch it yet myself. You would surely like it. Cheers


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Sounds great and thats a real nice offer - I was worried I would have to shoot Kurts cammo Italian kicking recoil operated thingy :(

Me and benellis dont seem to get on well - Them golds just feel right :wub:

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Me and benellis dont seem to get on well


as Kurt and Roberto (Vezzoli) can report, it's not that you don't get on well with benellis, it's that you don't get on well with people shooting benellis, since they always end up higher in standings... :P

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