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micrometer adjustable powder measure

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I need some help. I purchased a barely used 650 that came with every option available it seems. I'm not sure if the micrometer on the powder bar is Dillon equipment or not. I have tried to adjust it and I'm not getting anywhere, I've decided to take it apart and clean it really good and I can't even do that. I don't want to mess it up so do you guys have any hints?

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The micrometer assembly is installed in their Dillon powder bar w/Green Locktite. You shouldn't be able to remove the mic assy w/out some serious work and or chemicals. It's glued into both the powder bar body and the sliding shoe in the powder bar assy.

What happens when you try to change the volume of the drop? Does the thimble of the micrometer move when you turn it?

Lee is a GOOD guy and he will be of any help he can, I'm sure. He has been to me when I had questions about his products. I have one of these and it works great. Makes changing volume a snap and returing to the same drop later a breeze (40 threads per inch instead of 28 TPI and no slop in the threads).

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