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Dedicated 3-gun upper


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I'm got started shooting 3-gun this season, and I built a budget AR to get me started. Its basically an M4gery, Spikes lower, PSA LPK, and a Del-Ton upper. I've added a Nordic compensator, and it shoots nice and flat, and drives nails how it is, BUT I think I'm limited a little with the carbine length gas system, and the short sight radius. I'm considering building an upper just for shooting 3-gun. I shoot irons, so I think something with an A2 upper, 18" or 20" barrel, for a long sight radius.

Here is what I am thinking, please tell me if it makes sense:

18-20" barrel, long free float handguard, lo-pro gas block w/ midlength system, and a pinned FSB as close to the muzzle as possible. I'm more comfortable using a front sight that is mounted to the barrel, than mounting one to the free float rail.

Am I thinking about this correctly? Any other options I should consider? I really have no intentions of using an optic any time in the forseeable future...

Thanks ya'll!

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