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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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You are limited by the Glock Mag... with that being said, SJC recomends 1.145 :cheers:

In my TruBor (sorry, I never used a Glock), I use 124 gr MG JHP

at 1.145", over 7.2 gr WAutoComp. Works very well in my TruBor,

so you'd want to start around 6.8 and work up slowly, I imagine?


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I'm running 6.0grs of AutoComp with a 124gr MT gold fmj @ 1.140 and they feed good in the Glock 31 9mm wolf barrel with comp. Now I know that won't make major, but it did shoot very good with little muzzle flip. I wanted to test them but the crono at the range was broken. I did shoot one of my XDM open rounds 6.5grs that I know are 1250fps (still not major) but closer. The gun is for my girlfriend to shoot steel. Once they get it fixed, I want to do some more testing.

Edited by Bansheex
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