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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Carotid Artery

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Found out yesterday that I have to go in and have my Right Carotid (sp) artery cleaned out. Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. Wife and kids are pretty upset, even though I have told them I am too young, too good-looking, and too ornery to die or have any other problems, plus it is basic routine surgery.

They just don't understand.

I will be back on line in a couple of days, and if I am not, then best wishes to all the BENOS Forum members. I have never known a better bunch of people.

Bwana Six-Gun AKA Pat DeBerry.

P.S. When all goes well, I expect to see a lot of you at the MS Classic.

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Boss of mine has as brother that had his done over twenty years ago. Boss says the difference in his brothers health was pretty dramatic for the better. Take it easy and enjoy the time off your feet!


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My mom had one of her carotids reamed (prior to a knee replacement) and it was altogether routine. She used to get dizzy every time she bent over and I told her she probably had blocked arteries. Of course she didn't believe me... until the doctor told her the same. I told her the surgery would relieve the dizziness. She didn't believe that, either. But the dizziness subsided completely after the procedure.

Still, it's a routine thing and many people have it done. Good luck to you and we'll send good thoughts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In capital letters, no less! He MUST be feelin' OK...!! :devil:

Either that or he forgot to turn on his hearing aid :devil:

Good to see you back up and around. :cheers: Isn't it amazing what they do with a dremmel now?

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