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Dillon 550 acting weird!

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Last night I sat down to load 9mm major rounds. Got the press up to spec including the powder drops and OAL where I want them.

after each powder adjustment while getting to spec I would dump 10-15 then remeasure. Once it got to 7.2 10 rounds in a row...great, time to start pumping them out!

AOL and crimp fell right into place after 3 adjustments. Good to go..

I did all the adjustments Single Stage (not progressive using all stations at once)

So I start reloading...

7.2 Autocomp

MG 124gr JHP

1.170 OAL


.375 crimp

First off.... everytime I load a round single stage (non-progressive) everything would be at spec. If I load all 4 stations and start to measure everything every 5th round the specs would be off a few here and there....

Every 5 rounds on single stage I would dump the powder on the scale it would drop the same everytime. The OAL would stay the same. Powder at 7.1-7.2

Every 5 rounds on progressive mode (here's where it get's interesting) the powder drops would be anywhere from 6.6 all the way up to 7.8 - OAL would also vary from 1.165-1.178.

After the first 40 rounds it seems everything started to settle in and without making any adjustments it all fell into these which I figured would be just fine. Checking every 10 rounds they all were the same so I cranked out 300 for thursday night to try on the new gun.


OAL 1.173

But I got my monies worth out of that bullet hammer last night let me tell you!!! :wacko:

Any Idea why the powder drops and OAL would be so "all over the place"?

Edited by OpenDot
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First things first - you should make your settings and check weight/OAL/crimp etc with all stations full. It sounds like your shell plate may not be as snug as it needs to be, and you may be getting enough play to change your finished dimensions and powder drop.

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First, be sure the blue wing nut at the bottom of the return rod is tight enough.With the handle being pushed forward as if seating a primer, tighten the blue wing nut until the coil spring above it is halfway compressed. Next, be sure to start with the powder hopper at least 3/4full, throw 10-15 charges and dump back before you begin weighing.

I honestly would be very suprised if you have no OAL variation- most bullets have .003-.025" variation from one projectile to the next..013" total variation is nothing to worry about.

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My 550 was very consistent but you have to check things the same as when your actually loading. OAL in particular. But even then it's only .005 or so different. Powder drop sounds like you had something else going on. But it's possible that you were not settling the powder very well like you would be doing when you use the machine forcefully. Tap the measure forcefully before loading and do 10 charges. Keep the measure 1/2 full or more as well.

Edited by 98sr20ve
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Thanks guys.

I will recheck everything tonight and chime in.

I do know the spring above the wingnut on the return rod is not 1/2 compressed...I just made it "Snug"

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First, be sure the blue wing nut at the bottom of the return rod is tight enough.With the handle being pushed forward as if seating a primer, tighten the blue wing nut until the coil spring above it is halfway compressed.

If someone had reminded me of this when I set my first press up, they could have saved me a half dozen squibs. I know it's in the manual, but who reads the manual as carefully as they should the first time through?

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First, be sure the blue wing nut at the bottom of the return rod is tight enough.With the handle being pushed forward as if seating a primer, tighten the blue wing nut until the coil spring above it is halfway compressed.

If someone had reminded me of this when I set my first press up, they could have saved me a half dozen squibs. I know it's in the manual, but who reads the manual as carefully as they should the first time through?

I used the dvd... and missed it somewhere lol

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First, be sure the blue wing nut at the bottom of the return rod is tight enough.With the handle being pushed forward as if seating a primer, tighten the blue wing nut until the coil spring above it is halfway compressed.

If someone had reminded me of this when I set my first press up, they could have saved me a half dozen squibs. I know it's in the manual, but who reads the manual as carefully as they should the first time through?

Read it before you set it up. Read it while you set it up. Read it after you have used it a little while. If you do that you will know the press inside and out.

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All fixed better. Blue wingnut was barely making contact with spring. Tightened the powder measure allen screws (were a little loose) and retorqued all the dies. Now all drops are between 7.1 - 7.2 and OAL is 1.170 - 1.172 on the last 200 rounds.

Thanks for the help.

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First, be sure the blue wing nut at the bottom of the return rod is tight enough.With the handle being pushed forward as if seating a primer, tighten the blue wing nut until the coil spring above it is halfway compressed.

If someone had reminded me of this when I set my first press up, they could have saved me a half dozen squibs. I know it's in the manual, but who reads the manual as carefully as they should the first time through?

Ah tighten the wing nut.

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