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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

How hard could it be?


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So Ms. Neomet just got a new Shadow and I figured I would shoot it at today's match. I've practiced with it once now and can hit the broad side of a barn on DA. I figured what the heck, if the target is tough I'll just take an extra SA shot at it. How hard could it be?

Fast forward to be walking up to the classifier. 4 Bill Drill. Two strings with a DA first shot at 35 yards. Ouch. Virginia count. Double ouch.

Lesson learned: Don't think you can skate by on the assumption that your clever workaround for a poor skill set won't get crushed like a bug by the course design. LOL Great match and the gun rocks!

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Sounds like Merle's Standards. Love that one :D

Should have just cocked the hammer ;)

Ya know I actually thought about that but this was my first dalliance into Production and wasn't sure if that was legal or not. Apparently I didn't learn all that much during the week. Drilled the heck out of a NS directly under my intended A zone today. Clearly I am yanking the gun down.

Nice to know what I will be practicing for a bit. :P

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