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gip Thumb safety


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I plan on shooting my sa 1911,problem when i go to disingage

thumb safety my hand come comes off the grip safey. Plan on

on changing grip for a smaller one and changing thumb safety

either an extended one or lower or bother. I think this will

give me a proper hand grip on pistol as well.

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possible,.. hard to say not knowing your setup on the gun, your grip or hand size..

Grip safeties can also be "sensitized" to disengage with less force and some come with added metal at the bottom or a so called "memory pad"

extended thumb safeties give you more of a shelf to rest your thumb

Some folks in USPSA disable their grip safeties but I will not suggest you do or do not,..thats your decision..

welcome to the forum and enjoy ! :cheers:


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Disabled or pinned grip safeties are a no-go for IDPA competition. They also could put you in a vulnerable position in the event you needed to use your weapon in self-defense. Better to install a grip safety with a large "speed bump" and have your gunsmith shorten the release movement on the grip safety. Bill

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