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Temperature and powder

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Does temperature affect power factor? If so how much in terms of power factor? Does it change from 130 to 140? From 135 to 125? Do higher temps make PF go up or down? Cooler temps make it go up or down? Are there powders that are reverse temperature sensative? Or is all this talk just hot air?

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I got a little crazy and typed "temperature sensitivity" in the search window and it listed a whole bunch of threads that are on this exact topic...in fact, one is based on an article from Front Sight on this exact topic. You might want to go find it...it's great, and lots of folks chime in with their experience about particular powders.

Some powders are neutral, some are positively temperature sensitive, and some are reverse temperature sensitive. Some will change so much that a load can go from being safe, to melting primers with something like 50*F change. There is no way to chart of predict how it will work for any given combination...you have to actually do some work to figure it out...by loading, chronographing, etc.

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All powders are different. Some go up with the temps and some do the exact opposite. Some change very little and some change alot. And some don't really change much at all. I would try to search the reloading section since there is a ton of info here about it.

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This post brought back memories of having to leave our ammo on the floor of my truck with the heater blowing on it until we were ready to shoot just so we would still make PF during winter shoots (LOL).

Whereas mine go up in cold weather, my summer load which factors around 172-174 on a summer day will factor around 190-192 in minus temperatures (Celsius)

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