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My new M&P 15-22


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Went to the gun shop in Huntington the other day intending to purchase ammo and a few accessories along with a conversion kit for my Kimber .45 to be able to shoot .22lr in it.

Normally they carry these kits but they didn't have one.

When the salesman saw how sad I looked at not getting one he said "..but I DO have these...." and he pulled out a S&W M&P 15-22.

I played with it a little and ....SOLD!

Took it to the range along with assorted guns, my son in law, my son, and my nephew and we all had fun.

My nephew (recently home from USMC) shot the 15-22 and he said "Uncle John...you GOTTA get a 100 round drum mag for this!"

It reminded me of being a kid with my dad in the woods and plinking with an old 22 rifle. Fun shooting....no work involved...no practicing with a purpose....just having fun.

Worst part is that we live in NY so we can't have the "evil" over 10 round mags and the best part is the ammo was cheap.

I HIGHLY recommend getting one of these just for fun.


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Its a fun gun to shoot.

Its about as recoil free as any firearm you'll shoot will be....ammo is super cheap...it makes it easy to teach someone new to shooting about the basics as they don't get terrified by the loud boom and recoil of other types of firearms....and its just plain fun to shoot it without a grand plan or scheme as to how the day should go.

A lot like being a kid again and just shooting the rifle 'cos its fun.

Save the old soda cans/bottles and get one and go to town on them with the kids/wife whoever.

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I hate my .22 AR :roflol: It takes my five times as long to load the mags as it does to shoot it. And the ammo is sooooo costly.

I hate it sooo much, I just built a new dedicated lower for my TS AR upper with Firebird and JP parts.

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