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Hogue rubber bigg butt grip


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I find it helpful. Even with the regular big Hogue's rubber grips, I find the grip of a N-Frame small. The Big But gives me more gripping surface. But, I can see where it would be less helpful for someone who did a swap-hand reload.

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The original purpose of the Big Butt grips was to rest on the ground while going prone. Rarely an issue in USPSA and IDPA matches, prone position does have a place in IRC Far and Near, Bianchi, etc. Most of the guys using the Big Butts just like the way they feel. I prefer the regular rubber Hogues personally.

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Anyone know where I can find a rubber K-frame grip without finger grooves? I've checked Hogue's web site, but I can only find rubber grips with finger grooves (which I hate).

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Anyone know where I can find a rubber K-frame grip without finger grooves? I've checked Hogue's web site, but I can only find rubber grips with finger grooves (which I hate).

Take a good knife and cut off the finger grooves. Then use a sander to smooth everything out. It won't take you long and you will make those Big Butts fit your hand perfectly.

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  • 1 year later...

Anyone know where I can find a rubber K-frame grip without finger grooves? I've checked Hogue's web site, but I can only find rubber grips with finger grooves (which I hate).


i just got a no groove rubber big butt from him that wasnt listed on his sight. if you dont see it, ask!

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Anyone know where I can find a rubber K-frame grip without finger grooves? I've checked Hogue's web site, but I can only find rubber grips with finger grooves (which I hate).

Take a good knife and cut off the finger grooves. Then use a sander to smooth everything out. It won't take you long and you will make those Big Butts fit your hand perfectly.

I used a bench grnder for shaping. go slow, it gives a consistent surface.

also, if you want something special, if you contact hogue they will make it for you...

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The rubber of the rubber Big Butts w/no Finger Grooves is softer and I've done a few 100+ practice sessions with them and haven't had the web of my thumb crack open. So I'd say they are helping redistribute the recoil. Now if only the snow/ice/frigid temps would leave maybe I could get serious about them.

Wood grips of any kind, Miculek, Hogue.... split the web of my thumb pretty quickly. The rubber Hogues actually slipped a bit more than I liked, but were better than wood.

Edited by pskys2
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