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Dawson Ice Precision Magwell

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So I took some time to install the Dawson Precision Magwell on my SA 9mm Loaded. Turns out the Dawson magwell is longer than the regular magwell opening on the pistol leaving an open gap of about 1/2 inch at the front. Is this the way it's supposed to look? Or did I get the wrong magwell? This is the one I ordered: 010-050 DP 1911 Single Stack Standard Ice Magwell with Flat Mainspring Housing.

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So I took some time to install the Dawson Precision Magwell on my SA 9mm Loaded. Turns out the Dawson magwell is longer than the regular magwell opening on the pistol leaving an open gap of about 1/2 inch at the front. Is this the way it's supposed to look? Or did I get the wrong magwell? This is the one I ordered: 010-050 DP 1911 Single Stack Standard Ice Magwell with Flat Mainspring Housing.

Yep.......made that way.........You could have ordered the "no gap" magwell.......


Edited by ipscjoe
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just put the Gap version on my STI Trojan - cosmetically, the no-gap version is nicer, but I didn't want to fork out more $$$ to replace the basepads on my Tripp mags.

For the OP - that is the main difference: No-Gap = different basepads (usually) and Gap = mags work fine with original basepads. For the extra $70 in new pads, it was not worth it to me, but that's a personal choice.

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My understanding and I could be wrong is that the only difference is the insert and you can replace that later if you upgrade the basepads. The actual magwell is the same. I have a gap style on my Trojan also and I agree it looks kinda funky. Works awesome though!!!

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