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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Detroit area shop for duracote or parkerizing


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I'm sure that you already checked their website, but here are the shops that they list. None of them appear to be close. :(


Williams Gun Sight Co.,Inc.


Certified DuraCoat Finisher

7389 Lapeer Road

Davidson, MI 48423

Carl Benko

800-530-9028 - Fax: 810-658-2140

Tri-City Trading Post


Certified DuraCoat Finisher

14324 Fenton Rd.

Fenton, MI 48430


> Email: depdog1@aol.com

Bullseyes to Badguys

Certified DuraCoat Finisher

2021 Emmet Ave.

Kingsford, MI 49802

Anthony Erickson


Email: tonyerickson26@msn.com

Neale Koshorek

Certified DuraCoat Finisher

Certified Expert Camo Finisher

4480 Haven Rd.

Leonard, MI 48367

248-236-4296 or 248-845-4573

Email: nakfff3@gmail.com

Palehorse Defense and Firearms LLC


Certified DuraCoat Finisher

Certified Expert Camo Finisher

1031 E. Portage Ave.

PO Box 359

Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Walter Poirier


Email: palehorsefirearms@yahoo.com

Michigan Artisans Guild

Certified DuraCoat Finisher

1251 N. Nevins Rd

Stanton, MI 48888

Duane Beshada

989-289-1691 or 989-831-8626 - Fax:989-831-8901

Email: beshw@casair.net

Castle Arms

Certified DuraCoat Finisher

4400 S. Curry Dr.

Traverse City, MI 49684

John E. Long


Edited by sirveyr
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Thanks for the addresses! I didn't mean to yell.

The stringcheese handle came from my cowboy alias "The Stringcheese kid", which I was named by my family for my affinity for cheese. It just is a forum handle that no one else would possibly ever use, so I carry it from forum to forum. It fits into the K.I.S.S. program that my 8th grade algebra teacher enrolled me in.

Believe it or not, there are a couple web forums where someone already used stringcheese as their handle. Youtube was one. czforumsite.info was another. Un-friggin-believable!

Thanks again for the info guys!

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From that list there's only one of those guys I know personally. J. Long of Castle Arms. I've handled his work and it's very good. He takes his time especially in the all important prep stages and his results are excellent. Not to say that the others aren't good as well but I don't know they're work. Here's a photo of one he did for me...

Tactical Black and Arctic White


Ignore the small parts. I brought him the barrel, slide and frame detail stripped so the small parts and sights did not get duracoated.

Edited by JerryShoots
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Nice looking pistol! Nothing is better than a polished gold product from magnum research though! jk

I am waiting for delivery on a CZ85 Combat that I thought I'd dress up. I hear the factory finish is so tough that some of the finish guys don't like to even touch them??


I think I might just keep it black for a couple years.

Thanks for the posts though! :cheers:

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