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Cleaning off massive lead deposits?


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The two shotguns through which I've recently started shooting some B&P Low Recoil slugs are showing HUGE lead deposits in the first third of the barrel. Love the slugs, no recoil at all, accurate as can be - but I don't know if I can live with these ungodly deposits. I worked at it forever with some Shooter's Choice Lead Remover somethin-or-other last night and wasn't making much headway. All my other shotguns are shiny clean with nothing but boresnaking.

What kind of cleaner should I get for dissolving this crap? Don't usually have to deal with this...


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I'll have to find out what it is exactly called, bit it's basically a bag of metal coils- looks like a Brillo pad. I cut a few inches off and wrap them around a brass brush on a rod. Several passes & follow with a patch. Ends up super clean...

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I'll have to find out what it is exactly called, bit it's basically a bag of metal coils- looks like a Brillo pad. I cut a few inches off and wrap them around a brass brush on a rod. Several passes & follow with a patch. Ends up super clean...

Chore Boy scrubbing pads? That's what I use on my pistols.

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I ran 30 Wolf slugs through my gun the other day and they're great. The only thing is that my barrel looks horrible and I don't have the tools on hand to touch it. Will Ibe ok shooting 50 rounds of bird-shot and a few slugs over it? I won't be able to see decent cleaning equipment until after a 3-gun match this weekend.

Edited by DyNo!
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Lead away cloth cut into patches and pushed through with a brush works well also. It will stick to the brush so it can be worked back and forth or spun. It will take a couple of them so you get 2-3 cleanings per cloth.

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