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165 gr JHP, Major Loads


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I couldn't find much data for major loads using 165gr JHP bullets, so I thought I'd put my load data in so that it might help someone further down the road.

This is coming from a 6" Schuemann Ultimatch barrel.

165 gr Montana Gold JHP

5.2 gr N320


Winchester Primer

Velocity Average: 1007 ft/s

Power Factor Avg: 166.2 PF

This was WAY WAY too close for me. On my chrono (Beta Master) the exact same load from the same batch chrono'd at 172 a few days before the 166 PF data. The 166 PF data was taken from the Alabama sectional using Bobby Keigan's hyper-accurate infrared chrono that isn't affected by changes in lighting conditions. I'm going to bump the load up a tenth or so and see what happens.

I skirted by this time thanks only to my habit of never going below 170 PF on my major match ammo. I'll update this thread as I get more RELIABLE data that I can confirm through multiple chronographs.

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  • 4 months later...

I bumped the load up and wanted to update this thread.

5.4gr N320, 165gr MG JHP, 1.180 OAL = 172 PF

This was measured on two different CED M2 Chronos at two different major matches which ranged from 75-95 degrees.

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  • 2 months later...

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