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Do your co-workers know you shoot?

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They do and it stinks, I get a lot of crap about being a knuckledragging retard from some of them.

Obviously your coworkers are unenlightened. You are a tool user, and practice your skill. It's the knuckledraggers who haven't figured out how to use tools. yet. :-)

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At my current location it is no secret that I shoot. Some express mild to moderate interest, others not so much but never any negative comments. I don't flaunt it but I don't hide it either. I've been consulted on several firearms issues like "which gun to get" or "where can I go shoot".

At my previous location my Government client and several Government coworkers were (still are) so into and vocal about shooting and 2A issues that I, as the contractor team lead was concerned some of the other contractor team members might feel political pressure and claim a violation of the Hatch Act. :surprise: Thankfully most were also into shooting at some level and the rest were just amused at the big kids with their big toys.

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I am a health care consultant and project manager.

I was working in AZ and would leave early on Tuesday to shoot Tuesday Night Steel. One day the CIO asked what I did when I left early. I usually just said meeting with friends. Somehow I let it slip I was shooting competitively.

I should have kept my mouth shut!

After that, every once in a while he would make some dumbass comment about if I would shoot him if I got mad. My rebukes to his comments got stronger. He was a good guy and maybe that was his way of kidding but I took it very seriously.

As a general run, I never talk about shooting competitively during the interview process or with co-workers. Healthcare as a general rule is very anti-gun.

When people ask what I did on my PTO I generally just say I have a bunch of good friends and we get together a couple times a year doing outdoor stuff. And since it is usually not during hunting season they conclude I am not a hunter and thus not playing with guns.

However, my daughter classmates knew I was a shooter, she did not have a date for three years.

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yrs ago att he lab i used to work at, itgot outthat i shot competitively, no big deal...one time i got hauled in to the HR's office for being 'overly demonstrative' twards a fellow co-worker, they felt that my attitude coupled with the known fact that i 'had guns' was a problem...i toldthem i hada problem withthem making inferences(wrong in this case) as to my preferred hobby

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Most people I work with know that I shoot in competition. It is a lot of fun going to qualify every year and always being Top Gun. B)

We don't have a top gun but last time I qualified I walked out and the range instructor says, " Wow, those were some nice reloads!!" Weird thing is, I hadn't even noticed I was speed reloading like in competition. Gotta love the subconcious :rolleyes:

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Yes, my staff knows. They no longer get curious over 65# boxes labelled "Montana Gold" or "Precision". Ditto things coming from Midway, Brownell's or Dillon Precision. My colleague shoots too. No comments, positive or negative, from the staff, despite this being in big city northern California.

It probably makes a difference that my colleague and I are the MD's in a medical office...

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They do and it stinks, I get a lot of crap about being a knuckledragging retard from some of them.

Do what I do: bust 'em for being intolerant of your diversity, and insist that they be more respectful of your lifestyle choices :sight:

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Most of my coworkers know that I shoot. Fortunately I live in Texas where this is common. The open discussions that I've had with people have have let to new shooters purchasing guns and experienced shooters have joined USPSA too.

Yes, people treat me differently...I get a little more respect and make more friends.

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Oh Yeah, they know. Dillon Reloading Calendars on the wall, screen saver, over the years deliveries of bullets, rounds, targets. They know that when I travel I am often going to a match so I do get asked how I did. Also there was a bit of interest when I made it to Shooting USA a few years back.

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They know I shoot. My boss always messes with me, calling me a "terrorist," and calling my matches "terrorist training." It's all in good humor.

It has come out to my advantage, becaue someone always comes to me with "some gun" they want to sell. I even had someone from work give me a Remington Model 11.

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