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new glock 17 mag locking slide back when loaded

cali shot doc

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I just got a glock 17, i live in cali so it is the 10rd mag and when i noticed that when i load one of mags and insert it into the magwell and rack the slide, the slide locks back like the mag is empty. I have to use the slide release to get the first round chambered. This is only happening with one of the mags. What do I do? Some guys said i put the mag back together wrong but that can't be because this is the first time i'm using it and haven't cleaned the mag. How do I fix this? Kinda sucks that one of the mags isn't working properly right from the factory?

Any suggestions?

Call Glock?

Buy another mag, switch them and return it telling them it isn't working right? Not sure what to do since i'm new to glock (xd guy...)

Any help would be great!

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Seeing as how it is only with that mag and not others it can't be the gun. I guess you got a bad mag. Is there anything different about the top of the mag compared to the other ones? Because usually it is the follower that trips the slide lock to lock the gun open on an empty mag. Maybe there is something on the top front of the mag that is out of spec that is tripping the slide lock? If that is the case you might be able to trim the front of the mag so it won't do that. It being new I would say return it and get a new one. Maybe call Glock and they would hook you up if you can't get a refund from where you got it from. Good Luck!!

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