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With all the .308 rifles availabe now....which is the best Multigun platform to use? and why?

.223 (minor) or .308 (Major)????

Heavy/He-Man: .308 (required)

Tac/Open: .223. LESS cost, weight and recoil. In MOST 3-gun matches, there is no reward for major power factor. While there is major/minor scoring in USPSA, the increased recoil and reduced capacity of the .308 is a disadvantage. I've looked at scores in several USPSA matches and the major/minor scoring on rifle, if any, is like 1 or maybe 2%, just looking at hits. IF you factor in the weight, recoil and reduced mag capacity of the .308 platform, I'll guatantee you will lose more than 1% or 2%.

The holy grail in rifle (if there really is one) is an AR-15 platform shooting major. Weight becomes a non-factor. The capacity difference is diminished greatly and if you can get right over the edge of the 320 PF with an efficient cartridge, recoil can be managed. The AMU apparently beleives the .30 Gremlin is such a beast as they have used it at the last two MG Nationals. Frankly, Horner does not need it, but the AMU funding it and pushing the envelope is part of my tax dollars at work in a way I like! I think the fact that they use it in USPSA and not at IMGA matches does say a lot. There certainly are other cartridges that have tried this route (6.8 SPC, 6.5 Grendel, Whisper/Fireball) using .223 parts with just a barrel swap. Keeping the guns together and making major has proven difficult generally.

In 2008, Remington came out with the 30 Remington. This uses all .223 components except the barrel and bolt, which is basically a scaled down modified .308 bolt that fits in the AR-15 chassis. Pushing 125 grain slugs at 2600 fps it makes major with room to spare. Will we see a battle of the Gremlin v. the 30 Rem in the future of 3-gun...I doubt it for most of us. It will certainly spur sales for the producers of these cartridges and firearms, but for the vast majority of us (especially those of us who are not a serious threat to win a major 3 gun match), we'll likely stick to the .223.

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Thanks for the detailed quick response!

But like you stated...Gremlin vs 30 Rm......any edge is an advantage....ha ha

My interest in is Open class...I've been kind'a out of the latest tech go'n on in the sport and my interest has been spur'd as of late...was thinking of updating my equipment

Just didn't know if a .223 was still the way to go....

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But like you stated...Gremlin vs 30 Rm......any edge is an advantage....ha ha

If I had ever finished top 5 at a Major, I'd be building one for sure. I'll probably try one in 2012 ro 2013 if initial results look favorable, just cause. But I have 2 new AR projects for this winter already, a .300 Fireball and a .450 BM.

In open, I would certainly nod to the .223. If you shoot say only RM3G and BR3G, and open rifle in .243 or .260 might be a cool option (and piss off the MDs when you punch holes in their steel), but I doubt it would improve your raw times.

Edited by MarkCO
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