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2 broken legs on my extractor star


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HI all,

I have used the search feature, but have not come up with a conclusive answer. Furthermore, I have found a picture of one of JM's cylinders on the S&W forum (supposedly)- and it looks like he clipped the legs on his star intentionally--I'll attach the pic to this thread.


2 of the legs on my extractor star (model 625 .45 ACP moon clip) are broken----yes, I decided to take the edge off of them, and made them too thin/weak. The notches that rotate the cylinder are still intact and untouched, just the legs are broken. My question is, will the gun still function reliably for competition? Or should I read the "fitting the extractor star" thread in preparation for a new one?

BTW- the chamfer job on the cylinder turned out great with the help of Brownells, and the fellas here on BE.com.

Thanks guys,



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In the picture of Jerry's gun, nothing has been clipped off of the extractor. The picture is of his 627 and that is how the extractors look with a little bit of smoothing and polish.

Extractors are cheap for a 625, I would replace it. With cartridges in the cylinder and the other legs in place it may still carry up and time OK but the others will probably break in time.

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I ran mine down to 3 legs before I replaced it, function was fine. I imagine if you get 3 in a row (all on one side) you might have some issues with moons hanging, but as long as it is pushing out the clips, there's no problem.

FWIW, I dropped in a new star and it turned out to time just fine. Maybe you'll get lucky, too.


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