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Recoil Spring for 38 Super Major, Single-Stack


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Any suggestion where to start? It seems to be running fine, aside from ejecting erratically. (I bought it used, and usually replace the firing pin and recoil springs in my used guns, as I don't know the round count.)

It's mostly going to be a carry gun, and occasionally run AA 38 super major loads w. 125 gr. bullets.

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I'm not sure this will help but it's what I go by. I want my brass to eject and fall about 5 to 8 feet from the gun. If it just rolls out, to heavy a recoil spring, to far, 10 feet +, to light. I don't know where I came up with this but it seems to work for me.

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is this a comp'ed gun? barrel length? what weight recoil spring does it have now?

the standard recoil spring weight for a government model 38 Super is 14 lbs. if you're using major loads in a non-compensated gun you might need a heavier recoil spring - 16-20 lbs depending on the recoil impulse. some of my handloaded major ammo will easily cycle a 20 lb recoil spring.

there is some variation in slide velocity between guns. a load that easily cycles one of my Supers barely cycles the other with the same weight of recoil spring.

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