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Screw and thread sizes

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I am looking to replace some of the Allen head screws on my Dillon XL 650 with thumb screws. Does anyone know the screw size and thread count for the case insert slide and the primer cam screw. the primer cam is what contacts the primer indexing arm that rotates the rotary primer disk. I take these screws out a lot when changing powder loads and the seating die and the crimp die. It would be nice to use a thumb screw instead of having to use the Allen wrench that is on the tool holder on the back of the press. I see they sell kits that have the thrust bearing and the powder knobs for about $30.00, I already have the powder dial and the thrust bearing so I am just looking for the thread size and screw size for those parts so I can get thumb screws.

Thanks a lot and have a great weekend

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both bolts are #10-24threads per inch. And the press on head knobs are the best idea.

if you want to take it to an even more convenient level ,slot the track in the-[bottom of the

primer cam]- and the -[slot the bolt goes through]- in the black plastic peace it bolts to, so all you have to do is loosen the thumb screw ,slide the primer cam back to the end of its travel and it will stop dropping case out of the case feed tube.

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