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Laserlyte LT-Pro Pistol Laser Trainer


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I just picked up a Laserlyte LT-Pro Pistol Laser Trainer and this thing is GREAT! I had seen older versions that would stick out of the barrel about 3-4 inches, which would not work when practicing pistol draws, because the gun wouldn't fit into the holster. So for about the last six months I have been doing dry fire practice and was doing very well improving my draw and gun handeling skills. When I practice I would see a perfect sight picture before pulling the trigger and felt confident the were hits, my live fire practice reflected the accuracy, but my times were just a bit slower that my dry fire practice. So I started trying to speed things up and my accuracy would suffer.

So I buy a Laserlyte LT-Pro Pistol Laser Trainer My link . It fits into the barrel and is almost flush, sticks out maybe 1/4-1/2", my biggest concern was if it would fit in my holster....sure enough the gun slid right into my comptac holster without a problem. So I dropped in a snap cap and gave it a try. You may need to rotate it a little in the barrel to get it to be perfectly zeroed. It works off of sensing sound, and when the hammer hits, the click makes the unit blink the laser dot very quick so you can see where the shot hit the target. It only works every time the hammer falls, so follow up shots dont have the laser blink. But for practicing holster draws and getting the first shot accuratly on the target this thing is fantastic. You can see the little dot move in the direction you are pulling the trigger and is great for practicing trigger control.

I can tell this little unit will help my draw accuracy over the upcoming winter months, and I highly recommend it!


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I saw your greeting post and since you joined yesterday, welcome. It would probably take less time than it took to write your review, but would you make a video so we can see how it works in your dryfire area. The website video is just the installation demo, it doesn't show me what the shooter will see. Can it survivre a fast draw without flying out. How far out can it go and how crisp is the laser at distance. Since you have it already you can help us much more that the website video did.

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