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2nd ever USPSA match at the World Recreation and Shooting Complex

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Hi again all you St. Louis and southwestern Illinois shooters!

This Saturday October 16th the big shooting complex in Sparta, IL will again be hosting another USPSA "local" match.

The game plan still is for the RO's to shoot in the morning after setting up the stages. Then there will be an RO or two dedicated to each stage running shooters through. Us regular shooters should be signed up and shooting by noon. It wouldn't hurt for you to

show up earlier though say about 11:15 ish.

The last match was capped at 60 shooters. I think we had maybe 30 or 40 shooters, but with the demise of the SIGC club we might get a bunch more.

The match fee is $20 for 6 stages including a classifier stage. $3 per each shooter goes to USPSA HQ for getting the classifier scores uploaded. another $3 goes to the IL DNR for like a range rental free.

The remaining $14 goes to the Friends of the World Shooting Complex organization. It acts like an intermediary between us shooters and the state. Just recently they gave the new USPSA club an $1,800 check to purchase new steel targets.

Starting in the spring of 2011, I will be the new match director there. This Saturday I will be asking for people's input on the match format for next year, and I will probably be setting up a poll on www.stlouisshooters.com for you, the "customer" to vote for the format you would like better.

See ya Saturday!


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Thanks Dirk!

@ Flex, after having talked with the current match director, it appears that the Friends of the World Shooting Complex group will be taking over most of the stuff that I feared I would be inundated with. as of right now, it looks like all I got to do is design stages, make sure they get set up, and everything score-wise is hunkie dorie.

but...who knows....that might still end up being a lot on my plate.

@ foilhat, PM replied.

I just got off the phone with the match director. Basically, if you are driving a ways to get to the match Saturday, you can email or PM me with ya'lls names and we will get you a slot(s) reserved.

and from what I gathered at the stlouisshooters yahoo group, it sounds like an IDPA and a 4 stage steel challenge match is a go for Sunday the 17th also.


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I have to work tomorrow. so, sorry, guys I won't be seeing you all at the match.

for those folks traveling a ways, I did pass your names to the MD so your slot is reserved.

be safe.

have fun.

and keep an eye out for the deer both coming and going.

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Just got back from this match. It was a very good show for a new club.

Nice meeting Foilhat who drove all the way down & shot with us.

Sorry we missed you Brad. Thanks for looking out for us!

Thanks to everyone who helped make the match possible.

It is a very nice complex. It is so big it took us a few minutes to drive down & find where the match was being held.

If you haven't made it, you ought to make the trip at least once. (You probably already have if you shoot trap in the midwest.)

There is a very nice resturant right on the complex where you can have a good meal & beverage after the match. (I think that the meal afterward was probably the best stage in my match performance today.)

If the berms being considered become reality this might be a future candidate for a sectional or area match.

The Cowboy shooters have a great setup.

World Shooting and Recreational Complex

Edited by furyalecto
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Just got back from this match. It was a very good show for a new club.

Nice meeting Foilhat who drove all the way down & shot with us.

Sorry we missed you Brad. Thanks for looking out for us!

Thanks to everyone who helped make the match possible.

It is a very nice complex. It is so big it took us a few minutes to drive down & find where the match was being held.

If you haven't made it, you ought to make the trip at least once. (You probably already have if you shoot trap in the midwest.)

There is a very nice resturant right on the complex where you can have a good meal & beverage after the match. (I think that the meal afterward was probably the best stage in my match performance today.)

If the berms being considered become reality this might be a future candidate for a sectional or area match.

The Cowboy shooters have a great setup.

World Shooting and Recreational Complex

Sent a PM,

Just got done switching parts on a second gun. I need to get out and shoot this thing, I got it in a trade and have only shot 16 rounds out of it. Hope you guys have a good match at PASA. I drove over to Barry and then decided to save the motel money and use it to fix my pistol. It was going to the smith next week after the Milan shoot, but now there is one more thing for him to work on.

All though it was probably my worst match to date, I enjoyed shooting with you guys and had a great time. The meal was good and the complex was very nice. I'll be heading to Sparta next time I have the opportunity.

Hope to see you guys soon,


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Just to let you all know, I created a poll on the stlouisshooters.com yahoo group to determine which format you the shooters would prefer for next year.

The two basic choices are:

A. keep the dedicated RO's. They set up, shoot first, and then become dedicated RO's for the reqular shooters who show up at 11:30 AM to noon-ish and finish around 3 PM

B. set up Friday evening/night, everybody signs up and starts shooting at 9AM, the RO's are like "denmothers" or "mother goose's" who float with their squads.

As it stands now, the dedicated RO's and other staff get $14 knocked off their match fee. If option B is approved by you shooters, then the folks who show up Friday evening/night will also get the sme $14 knocked off their match fees (just pay $6)

What I am trying to avoid is having people stuck out there all day. I am also trying to avoid having you regular shooters start shooting at noon and then through the hottest part of the day come next June, July, or August.

The only two hiccups I can foresee right now are:

1. not enough certified RO's to "denmother" squads

2. not being able to get others out there to help out on Friday evening to set up, even with the $14 discount.

any advice or comments would be appreciated. you can PM me here or email me directly at chills1994 AT yahoo DOT com

oh, yeah, another, third hiccup, of course will be you guys who are driving a ways like from Springfield...a 9 AM start time "ain't" gonna appeal to you guys.

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