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Self scan registers

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Rode my mountain bike to the gym and had a good swim workout......Decided on the way home to stop at the Luckys store and get a bottle of wine for my efforts of the day. Cycle helmet on, back pack (with gym gear), and my baseball gloves that I wear when riding in case I "bite the dust".........Step up to the self-scan-register and press'd "English" to get started.....Nothing..!!!!!..I press again....Nothing..!!!!..I say to the clerk watching the self-check out area,"whats up".???....She says "take off the glove"...I say "really"??????......"yep" the reply....off comes the thin glove, press "english".....What ya know...!!!!.. It worked.

What ya suppose thats all about..????

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Probably works like a laptop touch pad. Ever notice you can't use a pen or an eraser, but your finger works fine? The touchpad requires a conductive material, like your finger to work. I'm guessing with the glove on your hand, your finger didn't provide the conductivity needed.

Just a guess.

For the technical mumbo jumbo, see this:

Capacitive sensing: -

This is the technology which is most commonly used nowadays.

Capacitive sensors detect anything which is conductive or has dielectric properties. Our body has the conductive properties, hence it works. This is not the case when you use a pencil. The capacitive sensitive touchpad has two parts; ground and sensor. When the finger is brought close to the touch pad, then capacitance of the system increases. From the position of capacitors which are charging and discharging at any point of time, the coordinates of point of touch is determined

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Since every sing manufacturing job is being sent overseas, Our economy is based solely on service and transportation, therefore I refuse to use a self checkout.

A big chunk of our generation and older started out as cashiers in retail stores.

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I refuse to use them.

Local farm supply store tried them, they were gone in a week. Customers hated them.

I have seen very few people using them that they device worked perfectly, always seem to see the attendant have to come over and fool with the damn thing.

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Since every sing manufacturing job is being sent overseas, Our economy is based solely on service and transportation, therefore I refuse to use a self checkout.

A big chunk of our generation and older started out as cashiers in retail stores.

Instead of standing in line...you could be getting some real work done! (or posting some BS on the forum...like me :) )

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