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What do you do about know it alls?

Adam P.

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I haven't shot for a couple of months due to some surgery I had at the end of May. Today I went to a local club match to have a little fun. There were 10 guys in my squad and all was going well until we started shooting. This guy wasn't even a S.O., but after everyone shot, he was quick to yell out mistakes and procedural violations even though the S.O. already knew what the violations were. To top it off, he is a classified as a MM and spends more money on tacticool clothing and real nice guns that he can't shoot very well. A couple of the other shooters actually told him to shut up, but he seemed to get worse. Anyone else have guys like this and what do you do to deal with them?


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I'll bet he is not quite so quick to point out his mistakes/errors. I would return the favor that he has so freely given for everone else...IF speaking with him in private about he is a competitor. The SO's have and know their jobs, hopefully, didn't stop his outburst. Then I would make it a point to let the MD know that I could not shoot on the squad with this individual. When enough of the other shooters refuse to participate with this person MAYBE he will get the hint, or leave the sport.

Edited by pvhendrix
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I've shot with the guy prior to this in other matches, but he was never like this before today. No he wouldn't point out his own mistakes, but after looking at the scores, he came in second to last in ESP. He only beat out a new unclassified shooter. I'm sure the other guys on the squad are very happy with that as I am. He just had a voice today that everyone could hear. I'll speak the the MD next match and let him know about the problem. As far as not shooting at their matches though, I drive 45 minutes just to get there and it's the closest one, so I'll gut it out as long as I can until something better comes along.

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Speak to the shooter as a squad and tell him you will not continue to shoot with him if it does not stop immediately. If it continues get the MD to come over and tell him. I am sure he would rather have one person unhappy than 9 other squad members.

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We have a shooter like this in my club. He IS an S.O. but he likes to yell stuff out while others are shooting and he IS NOT the S.O. on that particular bay/stage.

Several shooters approached one of our most polite and senior shooters to address this issue with him. This particular guy was also the one who taught him in his S.O. class. What better person to ask to address the issue right? That obviously didn't work so the next step had to be taken. Of course, I was the one who wanted to do this.

The next time he blurted out some stuff..I stepped to him and asked "Are you the S.O. on this bay?" He said "No". I then said in my most polite tone.."THEN STFU! No one likes a range Nazi!" I think this worked as the particular shooter has no spoken out of turn since. I am glad I was able to help this guy out. :)

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As already said, you're not doing anyone a favor by letting this guy continue to annoy everyone. Confront them, or have a more ball-busting member of your squad confront them.

Often times they can be confronted indirectly, by poking fun at them. If you can get others to chime in then the peer pressure becomes obvious and all but the most obtuse folks will get the point.

First time: "Larry, cut them some slack, they're trying to shoot and SO, if they want your help they'll ask for it."

Next time, hopefully from someone else: "Oh my god, are you mouthing off again while someone else is shooting? Are we going to have to pitch in and buy you a muzzle?" said with a smile on your face.

Third time: "JHC. Who loosened the straps on Larry's muzzle? I swear I'm gonna double knot it if you keep mouthing off when you're not the shooter or the SO. It's getting really old."

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Maybe a very huge dose of his own medicine by every other shooter in the squad would help him see the light, 9 super clones. Nit pick every single little detail of his run and his out fit.

Give he a new handle ATAS. As tactical as Shxx.

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I think this worked as the particular shooter has no spoken out of turn since. I am glad I was able to help this guy out. :)

I think you might have spoken too soon, after seeing him at last night's match.

Maybe he'll get the hint one day.

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As it turns out, my words of wisdom went into one ear and out the other. This particular shooters proceeded to do that same thing tonight at a indoor match. Oh well. I am done trying to advise others how NOT to make themselves look like a total A$$. We even had one shooter leave the match because he was so mad with the idiots remarks/attitude.

I just know that new shooters who get embarassed by other shooters tend not to come back to matches.

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Before going to the MD talk to your lead SO for your squad. If he is doing his job and managing the squad effectively, he'll take care of it. I sent one guy packing for something similar. I told him he could either stop what he's doing (maybe not in those exact words) or he could switch squads...it's pretty simple. No sense in arguing about it, give them a choice, either fix it or go be someone else's problem.

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Well I spoke with some of the other guys from my squad today. We all agreed this guy either needs to be spoken to next time it happens or he just needs to go elsewhere. I was told that our SO that day was new at it and didn't want to ruffle any feathers. We'll see what happen next time.

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Why is he continuing to get away with this, to the point of driving away other people?

I think our local MD is just too nice of a guy to do something HARSH about it.

I just don't squad with him and stay away from him at the range.

This pretty much sums it up. Several (probably a dozen folks) of us spoke with the MD again after the match...hopefully he'll do something about it this time.

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Our club has sent certified letters to a couple shooters (over the years) telling them they're not welcome at the range, and will be escorted off by the local PD if they return. Of course this wasn't for just being generally loud and annoying, but for very unsportsmanlike behavior.

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