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Match Day Foods


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What do you guys eat before/during a match?

I find myself eating the match food which leaves me full and wanting a nap. I just shot the pro-am and noticed Dave Sevigny munching on some fruits during the match. Anyone else do this and why?

Take in the factor of heat as well. It is very hot here in the South.

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I eat throughout the day. I usually have foods like oatmeal, yogurt, or fruit for breakfast. I also start hydrating a week or two before a major match. I generally take foods with me to eat at the match similar to what Dave does.....bananas, Clif bars, etc... I also drink Gatorade lightly throughout the day during a major match. I try to not eat huge portions during or before a match. Eating huge portions before or during a match can screw your blood sugar levels up.

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Beef Jerky! ... Man food :roflol: Add a lot of water (a bottle every 30-45 mins) and some Gatorade. Sometimes I bring Granola bars too...

However, I am hardly the picture of good eating so take this with a huge grain of salt....

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Matches usually involve travel for me, and I tend drop the healthy habits for what's convenient...

If I lived close to a club, I would eat what I normally do...

Breakfast: A couple eggs, half an avacado, a couple pieces of fruit (banana, strawberries, raspberries, peach, nectarine), and a handful of nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans), and if I'm feeling particularly motivated, some veggies (broccoli, carrots, spinach (in an omelet), eggplant)

Lunch: Some chicken or fish(a tuna salad is an easy thing to bring to a match), more nuts, more fruit. A protein bar works too in a fix.

Dinner: Beer(not keystone light!) and steak

Edited by entropic
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I try not to change my diet just for a match

I eat just like Im at work, If its going to be hot, a very light breakfast, light lunch, lots of water

has gotten me through many a hot summer as a carpenter.

remember a lot of food takes a lot of water to digest.

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Match nutrition for me currently consists of good jerky (ie, meat and salt only), macadamia or almond nuts, and a small amount of dried fruit (primarily berries). Slow, gentle graze through the day. Plenty - and I mean plenty - of straight water.

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Huh, maybe this is why I am stuck in C. I eat whatever I can get my hands on. I eat the match food the boyscouts make(hamburgers, hotdogs, brats, chips and pop.) But on second thought, I saw a few top shooters at the Indiana Sectional this weekend eating hotdogs.

I guess I am stuck in C for some other reason. :roflol:

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There has been a LOT of discussion on this topic, most recently this thread. A search will show others. Ask if you're having difficulty with the search function (I'd recommend starting with an "advanced search" and using the term "nutrition" or "food" as a search term).

Try what appeals to you and/or makes sense for your particular situation; anticipate some trial-and-error. See how your match performance responds to different foods/hydration. A lot of people will tell you what works for him/her. Only you can determine what's best for you.

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Thank you for those who responded with something other than "Try search".

You can obviously tell from my number of posts, that I have not been here long. I did however see the topic of "Energy Stimulants/supplements". I wasn't looking for that particular topic so I didn't open the thread.

As far as the beer...that is NOT my brand of beer. That is Keith Stone. If you haven't seen the commercials..."SEARCH" youtube for them.

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Whatever Benny Hill eats. He is the Master of Healthy Foods!

On match day only.....devil.gif

There is normally a group of about six of us,so that means staek and beer for supper.Then motel and a 12 pack each in the parking lot.Hot dogs and hunnybuns for breakest.This normally turns out to be the winning combo.And we always have a great time at every match.

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Are you sure we haven't shot together? lol That is exactly what we normally do but I am beat from the heat and alcohol consumption from the day before that I am dying on match day.

Going to do it different this time around.

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If you don't want to feel tired, avoid excessive carbohydrates, fats, and sugars. Some protein and some low-glycemic fruit sounds good.

This was the best advice given, but not just for match day.Everyday. Adjust your daily diet accordingly and don't change anything for match day. That is the best diet plan out there.

And dump the Gatoraid. Pure water.

I take a mental note of what people drink. It is amazing how much Gatoraid, soda, sweet tea, energy drinks etc. people consume. I was one of them, mostly sweet tea and gatoraid. Several months ago I stopped, cold turkey, and drink nothing but unsweet tea and water (mostly water). Dropped from 196 to 172, just on that change. And feel much lighter on my feet running stages. I normally eat pretty healthy on a daily bases,Very few simple carbs (anything white is a simple carb, white bread, white rice, regular pasta) No second plates and no drive thru windows.....

For regular range food I always bring my own. Usually a sandwich for lunch, always with whole wheat/5-grain bread. Trail mix that does not have chocolate pieces, beef jerky, low carb granola snacks.

Get in a daily routine of eating better and carry it thru to match day. Works much better than changing you diet just for match day.

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If you don't want to feel tired, avoid excessive carbohydrates, fats, and sugars. Some protein and some low-glycemic fruit sounds good.

Get in a daily routine of eating better and carry it thru to match day. Works much better than changing you diet just for match day.

That's better advice than mine

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  • 11 months later...

Gotta' stay hydrated in the heat. Water is good. Electrolyte replacements like Vitalyte or Cera Sport or Gatorade can be useful.

In cooler weather I usually have a couple of power bars of some variety along to munch on between stages if I feel the need. Lately I've been eating the oven roasted Blue Diamond almonds (I like the sea salt flavor) as a snack at the match. (My doctor told me to eat almonds. Good for my cholesterol level)

I've read that a high protein breakfast is best because it won't cause weird spikes in your blood sugar level.

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