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Tac Pro Shooting Center Fall 3Gun

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I do have to mention, just so no one will be surprised on match day, that the match is 5 stages. I'm not sure where the original poster got his info, it's been running 5 stages for a few years now. All the stages are in natural terrain and have movement over some pretty good distances. I love having the 3 surprise stages, and there was talk of making them all surprise stages next spring. With all the area that TacPro has, I think it could be done if the setup staff can be found. Tell owner Bill Davidson or MD Bill Byrom if you like this idea. A couple of top shooters gave up their competitive match entry in order to build these surprise stages, so it's not a small commitment.


really, not a TacPro spokesman, just been helping out for a while :ph34r:

I like the idea of having 1 or 2 as surprise stages...but not all...a lot of the fun comes not just from hunting for targets, but also from the test of how well a shooter can execute a given course of fire. The surprise stages give everyone an equal shot at gettin points, but after a while can turn into more of "how hard can we make targets to find" and less of a shooting match. Just my 2 cents

I totally agree. I go to a shooting match to primarily test my shooting skills, not my ability to locate targets while on the clock. For me, most of the fun comes in figuring out the best and most efficient way to tackle a shooting problem.

+1 Gamers!!!

The planning and execution of figuring how ro shoot the least amount of rounds in the least amount of time is the cats meow for me too. Plus blind stages take a lot longer to reset because nobody can help. I'd trade a blind stage for more stages and higher round counts anyday.

+1 Gamers!!! :sight: No no .. Stage Bender...

I have not been shooting blind stages as well as I have in the past,,

But I do think it is a test, of a 3 Gun Skill set.

I too hope it is not too much of a find the target, game.

I did talk to JJ at RM3G, about the hard to find targets, a few is ok part of the game two or more stages of them, just sucks.

Gamer = Bad :devil: Stage Bender = Good :)

That's probably a good mix. Maybe this match will change our minds?


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Slings, for guns,, you never know if you will need ,,,,one but be ready and have one,,

in past matches, you have needed one,, for a stage or tow..

I'm making sure I have slings, for my guns,,, four guns in my case,,, getting the equipment ready for my two Sons and myself,

I have to make one or tow more,,

I can't wait,,,

Jim M ammo

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How much Rain did they get when the storm went that way I got over 6"+

Slings, for guns,, you never know if you will need ,,,,one but be ready and have one,,

in past matches, you have needed one,, for a stage or tow..

I'm making sure I have slings, for my guns,,, four guns in my case,,, getting the equipment ready for my two Sons and myself,

I have to make one or tow more,,

I can't wait,,,

Jim M ammo

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How much Rain did they get when the storm went that way I got over 6"+

Slings, for guns,, you never know if you will need ,,,,one but be ready and have one,,

in past matches, you have needed one,, for a stage or tow..

I'm making sure I have slings, for my guns,,, four guns in my case,,, getting the equipment ready for my two Sons and myself,

I have to make one or tow more,,

I can't wait,,,

Jim M ammo

Stephenville received 5-7 inches. I have heard nothing from Tac Pro, but I am sure you can call them and ask.


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How much Rain did they get when the storm went that way I got over 6"+

Slings, for guns,, you never know if you will need ,,,,one but be ready and have one,,

in past matches, you have needed one,, for a stage or tow..

I'm making sure I have slings, for my guns,,, four guns in my case,,, getting the equipment ready for my two Sons and myself,

I have to make one or tow more,,

I can't wait,,,

Jim M ammo

I don't know how much they got but the weather radar made it look like them were out of the way for the most part,,, and giving 2 good days of sun,,,

it should be OK,,,, ( or so I hope) looking it up Stephenville got 3 in on the 7th,,, so it looks ok,,

Yes they will still have a mud hole,,, someplace for us to play in,,, but not the whole place,,

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Seeing that the stages are seldom set up on shooting bays, it shouldn't be too bad. The natural terrain nature of the match and the relatively sandy soil will help. I don't know if the loose sandy road to the east of the 1000 yd range is used this time, but I welcome the moisture. Those of you that have shot a stage in that area will know what I mean.

Now driving on the trails to get to those areas may be a little interesting :unsure:

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Awesome forums. I will be shooting in this match saturday. I was glad to find some info on it - hard to find anywhere else. Hope to meet some cool shooters.

"Jesse Tischauser on YouTube" - sweet. Did any of your FNH Midwest footage make the show?

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I was on the show for a whole 9 seconds right before Jerry Miculek shot the same stage and made all of us look slow with his Open guns

There were a bunch of other amateur shooters like me that made the show. You should come shoot shoot the Ozark 3 gum match at the Lake of the Ozarks Missouri on the 23rd-25th of Sept. It's the first match in the 2nd season of 3 Gun Nation. Gonna be sweet!

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I was on the show for a whole 9 seconds right before Jerry Miculek shot the same stage and made all of us look slow with his Open guns

There were a bunch of other amateur shooters like me that made the show. You should come shoot shoot the Ozark 3 gum match at the Lake of the Ozarks Missouri on the 23rd-25th of Sept. It's the first match in the 2nd season of 3 Gun Nation. Gonna be sweet!

Man that is cool. Miculek is bad.

If you are an amateur, I'm no longer sure what to call myself. I know nothing about match shooting now, but saturday night I will know what I need to know. I am average on pistol, below average on rifle, but my left hand is surgically attached to a Remington 870. I am jacked about it though, and I have two buddies shooting it with me.

If you are an OSU fan, we may be separated brothers.


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Just curious if there is a standard after match dinner spot in Stephenville? I am coming solo from Austin so I don't know the area. Any restaurant advice would be appreciated.



The regional favorite is Hard 8 (BBQ). Then FiddleCreek (steak). Then the usual string of chain stuff and mexican. There is a pretty cool place on SH 108 between Tac-Pro and S'ville called Oakdale Steakhouse. Kind of a one-off, local, old-time deal - I like it. You can't go wrong with any of these.


Edited by Cadre DC
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Wooohoo that was a long day! Kudos to the RO's that kept things running while smilimg even though they were suffering in that heat. Thanks to the lovely lady that had scores ready promptly after the match.

Squad 2 was great! I had a great time shooting with you guys. It was good to finally meet everyone from this forum.

This was my first time at TacPro. I was really impressed with the facilities. The terrain and layout of that land is perfect for 3 gun in natural terrain.

I really enjoyed the stage layouts. However the minimal amount of shooting, the ordinary prop guns, and the blind stages really hurt the fun factor and added a tremendous amount of unneeded time to each stage. I was also dissappinted in the fact that I didn't get any long range rifle with my gun. I was also a little bit bewildered by the fact that every stage only utilized one of my 3 guns. I know one of the goals of this match is to maintain a tactical feel but it didn't feel anymore or less tactical than the other big or small 3 gun matches I've shot.

I hope nobody takes my constructive criticism personally. I think with this group of RO's and staff, excellent facilities, beautiful terrain Tac Pro could put on one of the best 3 gun matches in the country.

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However the minimal amount of shooting, the ordinary prop guns, and the blind stages really hurt the fun factor and added a tremendous amount of unneeded time to each stage. I was also dissappinted in the fact that I didn't get any long range rifle with my gun. I was also a little bit bewildered by the fact that every stage only utilized one of my 3 guns. I know one of the goals of this match is to maintain a tactical feel but it didn't feel anymore or less tactical than the other big or small 3 gun matches I've shot.

I agree - this is why I left after shooting only 3 stages. Candidly, I don't enjoy shooting blind stages under the best of circumstances, and the nearly 3 hour wait between the second and third was just too much. The overly "tacti-cool" rhetoric by a couple of the staff really sealed the deal for me. I don't need some guy who's never been shot at telling me that my "gaming will get me killed on the street".

Lots of guys really enjoy this match - hear it's been sold out for the past couple years, and that's great. But if I want someone barking orders at me while I'm trying to shoot, I'll just drag my wife to the range. :D

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Doug oooooooooooooooooo on the wife thing,,,

Other than that I understand,,

A Hot day,, no wind,,, the fun factor, was hurting.

I missed My Rifle. a pick up gun now and again is ok,,, but I like to shoot my own rifle too.

Tac Pro has a great, place to be able to shoot stages in a natural setting, and it has the distance to put on good challenging,, Rifle stages,, Many ranges do not have the distance to ,,, hold a real Rifle skill set,, testing stage,, I'm talking 100 + to 300 not the more extreme,, 400 to 600 distance, and I Hope,,,Tac Pro will.. do some stages like that,,. Soon like in the next match!!!

Good to meet you Jesse and I hope to see that video you took of me and the Luke Monster!

I’m feeling better this morning,, but the drive home last night,, was no fun,,,

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Thanks to everyone at Tac Pro for another fun-filled match! A vast majority of the RO's and staff at the match are a pleasure to work with and the facilities, prize table and shooters are first rate.

Great to meet and shoot with you too Jesse! I agree with the constructive criticism you offered along with that of Doug and Jim. It seemed as if we had a perfect storm yesterday, all generated by the beloved/hated prop gun! The more I reflect on the match the more I see that our squad (Squad 2) seemed to be slow in stages 2, 4 & 5. All had prop guns. Stage 2 was interesting to say the least, but proved to be slow because of the nature of the slow loading with the coach gun. The stage five gang had a great system for reloading and setting the prop gun, so there were few problems. Stage 4 was the killer. The perfect combination of heat exhausted RO's, taping targets, blind stage and un-cooperative prop guns was the nemesis for a bottleneck. This combined with waits at 2 and 5 made things long.

I re-hash all of this because in May Tac Pro put together a "quickie" of a match for us! I was driving home and it was quite some time before the sun sat! (This was a first for me BTW) That match had low round counts and quick stages. Yesterday's match had low round counts (with the exception of stage 1), too many blind stages and too many prop guns. While these comments are purely my opinion, I believe balance can be struck on stages that would allow everyone to be happy.

I learned another lesson both before and during this match. Although I received permission to do so, I am not sure anyone really wanted or appreciated me announcing this match on three different forums. The match filled early, received much attention, gathered more top quality shooters and garnered new sponsors, which all seems positive to me, but it didn't seem that way. I am local to this event, so I feel good when it does well and not so much when it doesn't. So, here's the lesson. Although I wanted to help, people may just want me to keep my nose in my own business. Lesson Learned - Enough Said! ;)

As always, I had a great time because of those I call friends and because of the fun provided by the event.



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I have what I think are nice guns and I like to shoot them, preferably in multiples on every stage, not so much shooting other folks guns. Rifle up close and out to 300-400 yards, shotgun on steel, gongs, and flying birds. Pistol up close to 50yds or so. Challenge us! Blind stages traditionally introduce larger reset times, and after the first few shooters some of the surprise is lost and as wait times increase fun factor decreases. Personally, shooting a supressed AR is old hat to me (I have some). The coach gun would have been okay as something to engage maybe 4 targets with, with a specified number of rounds only available.

I appreciate the work involved in putting on a large match, and even more so the folks involved in working it (MATCH STAFF THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!). As a suggestion for the future how about one blind stage and 4 normal ones...? I'll be real happy to make the 5.5 hour drive back again then.

BTW, there were some match staff who had a real hard time with the heat and had to step out, I sincerely hope they are fairing well after.

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Thanks for your comments guys, I'm sure they will be heard within the bounds of what the match is intended to do. AFAIK all the staff was fine after the match. I figured out I ran or walked at least 8.5 miles ROing Stage 1 (pistols on the dam), that was about my limit on such a hot and humid day. At least we got an occasional breeze and some down time there, unlike the other stages.

I was arguing for a .45-70 as a prop gun but no luck on that this time (lever gun with sponsor XS sights, eh eh?), maybe next time. Big buffalo target on a crossing mover, how many times can you hit it?

In past years there have been some serious distance rifle stages, so much that people started showing up with heavy and huge scoped rifles. So I think the last two matches have gone short range in part to get some balance. A series of long range steel with your own rifle after a jungle run is nice balance, though.

I had my little camera onboard for the 2 stages where we actually used our own long guns, so in the interest of science I put them on youtube:

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Great to meet and shoot with you too Jesse!

Back at you Kyle!

So, here's the lesson. Although I wanted to help, people may just want me to keep my nose in my own business. Lesson Learned - Enough Said! ;)

I think there are a few individuals that run the match that want to keep this match local and tactical while at the same time not take it to the major competition level like the big 3 gun matches that are discussed on this forum.

Like I said earlier Tac Pro's range and it's staff are perfect for a major 3 gun match. I hope they work out the bugs on their rules amd stage design because North Texas could really use some quality 3 gun matches.

Here is the match video my squad mates were so gracious to film for me. Jim you need to get Luke into USPSA pistol. That kid is good! Sponsoirs will be all over him quick like.

2010 Fall Tac Pro 3 Gun TACTICAL Match

Congrats to Sheldon Blackwell for laying a good old fashioned Texas a$$ whoopin' on this OKie.

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I had my little camera onboard for the 2 stages where we actually used our own long guns, so in the interest of science I put them on youtube:

Nice Shpoting and Great Vids Man!

Thanks for your comments guys, I'm sure they will be heard within the bounds of what the match is intended to do. AFAIK all the staff was fine after the match. I figured out I ran or walked at least 8.5 miles ROing Stage 1 (pistols on the dam), that was about my limit on such a hot and humid day. At least we got an occasional breeze and some down time there, unlike the other stages.

Thanks for working the match!!! You guys worked your A$$es off. Stage 1 was my favorite. A great mix of run and gun, hoser targets, paper with & without no shoots, and long range pistol shooting.

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Thanks to everyone that worked at this match, you guys are awesome and tuff for fighting the heat so 90 shooters could have a good time! I do agree with most of the comments about this being an odd match due to no long range and the prop guns but I understand trying to mix things up, it's still fun to pull the trigger on the clock. I also agree that if you guys wanted to make this a major match, it could easily be one. Thanks to all of squad 2, I enjoyed shooting and resetting with you guys.


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I agree with most of the comments also. Prop guns are cool but I would like to get better at using my own guns more than shooting other guns. Secret stages are cool but I think 3 turned out to be too many (which they knew it might). I understand wanting to mix it up but I was disappointed in having no long range rifle shooting with my gun. That is one of the things that I liked about Tac-Pro last time I came. They had the facilities to have some good long range shooting but I felt like that was not taken advantage of.

Thoughts and what I like:

- Long range rifle - 100 to 300 yards or so with all steel so no resetting. Maybe with some movement to start to get your heart pumping.

- Jungle run - Two guns Rifle/pistol or Shotgun/pistol

- Secret stages - Mostly steel minimal paper to speed resetting

- Prop guns - Should add to the fun but not be the focus (shooters should use their own weapons for the majority of all stages, i.e. Stages 4 and 5 but not 2)

- Mult-gun - This was a 3 gun match but I did not use more than one of 'my' guns on any stage. I like transitions (I understand clearing the guns takes longer but that can be dealt with)

Well that is what I think, it is worth what you paid for it.


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Thanx to all my friends at Tac Pro for everything they did Saturday. I enjoyed the shooting, I enjoyed your company, I enjoyed being there. I enjoyed the heat. Makes me feel alive. I love it when we get together and shoot. I don't care what the stages are. I don't care what the conditions are. Whatever the stage says I will shoot it with as much effort as I can muster and try to learn something from the experience. May we live forever and shoot together some more.

thanx again,


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