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OK, I've stewed about it long enoght :angry2: , Apparently the entire country has forgot this date in time and what it ment, two major papers in Indiana, Indianapolis Star, and the columbus republic had NO mentions of it at all, except for the Peanuts comic, What the Hell :ph34r: . almost 5,000 men lost their lives that day on a faraway beach and are buried their, people are yelling about that many being kia in afg. over a ten year period (with respect to those service members), what would they say if 5,000 was killed in one day!!, even the national new only had a closing brief on the subjuct, fox news coverage was about 2 minutes worth, but you look at it this way. The schools are teaching less and less world history (recent poll shows 3 out of 5 17yrs no not know who hitler was, in a few more years their will be no mention of nam or beruit, someday they may learn the old saying, if you forget the past you WILL repeat it, just the words of a rambling old man with a keybord in front of him, forgive me :mellow:

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While all great sacrifices by soldiers seem to eventually be forgotten (how many know what the Meuse-Argonne offensive was?) it is particularly disappointing when the battle was within many of our parents' lifetime. It does not appear to be a uniquely American phenomenon either. I have a Russian friend who is disappointed in the lack of remembrance of the 1.5 million who died in the 200 day battle for Stalingrad.

"Our God and soldiers we alike adore ev'n at the brink of danger; not before; After deliverance, both alike requited. Our Gods forgotten and our soldiers slighted."

Francis Quarles

edited because misspelling that quote would be criminal.

Edited by Neomet
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I saw on the news yesterday the VP Biden and Emanuel were to busy playing water gun tag on the front lawn. I'm surprised that the administration did not offer an appology for D-Day. They have appologised to every other contry for the US action over history.

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D-Day was a day of reflection and we honored it always in my house when I was growing up. Unless we make an effort, all things are lost on the following generations. Here is a link to an Army video about D-Day to refresh your memory of June 6, 1944 D-Day 1944

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I'm afraid it's a world wide phenomenon. Dutch media has plenty of coverage of the upcoming Soccer World Championship, tomorrow's election and that creep Joran van der Sloot, but not a shred on the event that paved the road to freedom for our country.

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you know it was only one of those wars, that if we lost, we would all be speaking german. And would not have the rights and freedom that we have today. The media would rather cover BS stories, that our dumb audience would rather watch, then something that has real and significant meaning in our everyday life. I am glad that fox, had at least 2 min of coverage of it. It ought to be a holiday, instead of Presidents Day.

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I could write pages on this subject.

But it seems in todays world, the truth is found to be offensive, and lies or silence are the coin of the relm

My family has a long history of service to this nation, from the 1800s, the world wars, vietnam, to today.

I served in the 1980s..my son is serving overseas today.

My family Does remember!...and will never forget the men who earned the freedom we all enjoy today!

The beaches of Normandy were won with the blood of men as young as 12 or 13 years old..who lied about their age to serve.

I stand in awe of the men who serve, those who have served, and those who gave their very lives for the promise of our freedom.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends...John 15;13

Jim Lambert...Sgt USAF MAC ALCE DOXLT 1979 to 1985

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