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RO etiquette?

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I know you guys are working this issue out and that is great. I hope all goes much better at the next match. But I see problems with a lot of what you guys discussed.

Unless I personally know a shooter very well, i.e. I shoot with him several times a month, even after unload and show clear I would never make a comment about a shooters poor performance.

There should never be enough BSing among other shooters going on while a shooter is shooting a COF. On two separate occasions I have seen a shooter stop because he thought he heard "STOP". What one shooter heard was just BS, the other time scoring was going on as the shooter ran a very long course of fire and he was hearing the scores being yelled out behind him.

Not just new shooters listen intently to range staff. All shooters should be. In the case of a range equipment failure for example, most better shooters don't realize there was a problem until the RO calls stop.

As for the shooters knowing each other. That is not an excuse either. I, as do most shooters, shoot with a lot of the same gang every weekend. We have a pretty good time in general but even the funniest, friendliest, all around "nice guy", knows when it is time to shoot and RO.

I shoot in a pretty informal league in the winter here locally. It is with the regular summer guys. We have a heck of a lot of fun, but in between runs.

Funny you mentioned the camera. I saw a shooter wearing a camera this week who I know for a fact should probably be more worried about other things since he has only shot a handful of matches. Knowing his skill level it looked out of place but he shot my stage fine. Once I started him on the COF I forgot all about the camera because at that point it was my turn to have more important things to worry about.

Yes this is a very small world and it seems like every shooter I know is on here regularly so that is something to be aware of but you should never let anyone put you on a "list" of any kind which I'm sure you wont be.

PM's are your friend sometimes. :cheers:

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  • 3 years later...

Sounds like "coaching" or "interference" to me. If it's a USPSA match, I'd be tempted to go after a reshoot over that.

as far as I know. you can ask for a reshoot for " interference "

You can ask for a reshoot any time you want! :sight:

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My last stage of the Nationals the RO's delayed by fixing mover then both proceeded to get a 2 min discussion joke, serious stage evaluation with me involved as I stood with feet on marks. I just put my head down and said" TOO MUCH TALKING" The CRO said "your right", and went silent.

I really was impressed he didn't buzzer jump me, and didn't take it personal, was twice as friendly after my run. I did go off my stage plan and the interaction might have had a little to do with it. That is an important learning point.

Best RO plan. Don't say anything except range commands to a shooter, THEN after the run, you can joke, discuss the middle east, even bear hug them cause you cannot affect their score at all.

I would never joke about the performance of an unknown shooter. It is basic good manners.

If I know you, you are mine to make fun of.

Edited by BSeevers
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  • 1 year later...

I was shooting my first match at a local club (second match ever......) and ran into an issue that I feel people can do without. While running the stage I had some firearm issues and malfunctions. I understand that these things happen, but to have the range officer say things like "Should have brought the 8 shot revolver, eh?" and "wow, over a minute here.... looks like we're in for a new record" while he's running you seems to be a bit uncalled for. I'm in favor of ribbing between friends, hell, I encourage it! I gladly accepted the good natured jabs of the folks in my squad after the stage, but I think the "humorus" commentary from the RO could have waited until after the timer stopped.

It was really, really frustrating. Won't stop me from going back next week though....... its just something for the ROs to bear in mind, especially with the new shooters.

I agree with you. I don't however think the RSO should be a robot. A bit of quiet encouragement to a competitor getting frustrated can be very encouraging -- particularly to a new shooter or one shooting in their first big match.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was shooting my first match at a local club (second match ever......) and ran into an issue that I feel people can do without. While running the stage I had some firearm issues and malfunctions. I understand that these things happen, but to have the range officer say things like "Should have brought the 8 shot revolver, eh?" and "wow, over a minute here.... looks like we're in for a new record" while he's running you seems to be a bit uncalled for. I'm in favor of ribbing between friends, hell, I encourage it! I gladly accepted the good natured jabs of the folks in my squad after the stage, but I think the "humorus" commentary from the RO could have waited until after the timer stopped.

It was really, really frustrating. Won't stop me from going back next week though....... its just something for the ROs to bear in mind, especially with the new shooters.

I agree with you. I don't however think the RSO should be a robot. A bit of quiet encouragement to a competitor getting frustrated can be very encouraging -- particularly to a new shooter or one shooting in their first big match.

But what if his brass is being ejecting right at you? Wouldn't it be ok for the ro dq the shooter for unsafe equipment?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was shooting my first match at a local club (second match ever......) and ran into an issue that I feel people can do without. While running the stage I had some firearm issues and malfunctions. I understand that these things happen, but to have the range officer say things like "Should have brought the 8 shot revolver, eh?" and "wow, over a minute here.... looks like we're in for a new record" while he's running you seems to be a bit uncalled for. I'm in favor of ribbing between friends, hell, I encourage it! I gladly accepted the good natured jabs of the folks in my squad after the stage, but I think the "humorus" commentary from the RO could have waited until after the timer stopped.

It was really, really frustrating. Won't stop me from going back next week though....... its just something for the ROs to bear in mind, especially with the new shooters.

I agree with you. I don't however think the RSO should be a robot. A bit of quiet encouragement to a competitor getting frustrated can be very encouraging -- particularly to a new shooter or one shooting in their first big match.

But what if his brass is being ejecting right at you? Wouldn't it be ok for the ro dq the shooter for unsafe equipment?

No, I move so it doesn't hit me if it is hitting me a lot, one piece or two no big deal, just part of the job.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Your RO was not your typical RO. ROs should watched mainly for safety, and COF issues, and not make performance comments while you're shooting. All shooters in the squad (including ROs) should not make any comments/or any sounds/noise that might distract the shooter in progress.

Edited by g mac
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I was shooting my first match at a local club (second match ever......) and ran into an issue that I feel people can do without. While running the stage I had some firearm issues and malfunctions. I understand that these things happen, but to have the range officer say things like "Should have brought the 8 shot revolver, eh?" and "wow, over a minute here.... looks like we're in for a new record" while he's running you seems to be a bit uncalled for. I'm in favor of ribbing between friends, hell, I encourage it! I gladly accepted the good natured jabs of the folks in my squad after the stage, but I think the "humorus" commentary from the RO could have waited until after the timer stopped.

It was really, really frustrating. Won't stop me from going back next week though....... its just something for the ROs to bear in mind, especially with the new shooters.

I agree with you. I don't however think the RSO should be a robot. A bit of quiet encouragement to a competitor getting frustrated can be very encouraging -- particularly to a new shooter or one shooting in their first big match.

But what if his brass is being ejecting right at you? Wouldn't it be ok for the ro dq the shooter for unsafe equipment?

I just now noticed this post. So here is my belated, "SAY WHAT"?????

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I don't care if it is a new shooter or somebody that has been shooting for years the RO should not say anything but range commands.

They are there for safety not to be a comedian. If it happened to me and it was the RO and not another squad member I would stop immediately and demand another RO and a reshoot. Any RO that lacks professionalism needs to be reported to the Match Director.

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I don't care if it is a new shooter or somebody that has been shooting for years the RO should not say anything but range commands.

They are there for safety not to be a comedian. If it happened to me and it was the RO and not another squad member I would stop immediately and demand another RO and a reshoot. Any RO that lacks professionalism needs to be reported to the Match Director.

Harsh but true.

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I don't care if it is a new shooter or somebody that has been shooting for years the RO should not say anything but range commands.

They are there for safety not to be a comedian. If it happened to me and it was the RO and not another squad member I would stop immediately and demand another RO and a reshoot. Any RO that lacks professionalism needs to be reported to the Match Director.

Harsh but true.

To me, the Range Officers are representatives of the sport, and their actions should present it in the best light possible. Acting in a "professional" manner fosters that.

That being said, I believe also that we, the Range Officers, are there to foster the sport, to encourage new shooters to enjoy what they are doing so that they themselves look at action shooting as something to come back to and to tell their friends about. From that perspective, I am not adverse to trying to relieve the tension and frustration of new shooter's struggles during a difficult stage with encouragement or advice, or even a light word or two.

Fault me for that if you like, but I don't believe doing so in the right circumstances is a disservice to the shooter or the sport.

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wonder whatever happened to the original 2 guys. Are they still involved in the sport? Did they become best friends, bitter enemies, or something in between?

Thanks for asking! The RO and I easily got past the first interaction. Although we never really became fast friends, I'm sure neither of us speak ill of one another. He's a stand up guy.

I got out of the sport completely. Partially because I no longer had the time, and partially because I got married. (See reason 1). I really did enjoy shooting revo class though, and if I may say so myself I got pretty danged good at it to boot.

The RO AFAIK drifted more towards 3 gun. I could be wrong. I often am.

Edited by Stradawhovious
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The match in question is a weeknight club/league match. Most of us know each other and have been shooting together for years. We get a little punchy. That RO got plenty of crap about his shooting performance that day too.

"I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition!"

Old Monty Python skit. Things can be taken way too seriously.

The R.O. that volunteered his services seemed to approach the match with a just have fun & be safe attitude. Some would seek him out and others might seek folks with different personality traits.

On the last squad I shot with (local match) the r.o. made it a point to pass gas loud when he could & one of his buddies contributed to the atmosphere as well. As things progressed pretty much nobody was safe from a little ribbing by the last stage. The match before (same club) I was squadded with a very serious group.

Both groups ran a safe match. I had fun at both matches but I had a lot more fun with the guys that liked to kid around (although I'm not a fart person after a certain age you lose volume & have some legitimate worry about muscle control), the next guy would probably have preferred the more serious group.

In any sport or social gathering I think you figure out which folks you have the most fun with & hopefully you allow some live and let live for the folks who approach things differently.

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  • 4 months later...

I was shooting my first match at a local club (second match ever......) and ran into an issue that I feel people can do without. While running the stage I had some firearm issues and malfunctions. I understand that these things happen, but to have the range officer say things like "Should have brought the 8 shot revolver, eh?" and "wow, over a minute here.... looks like we're in for a new record" while he's running you seems to be a bit uncalled for. I'm in favor of ribbing between friends, hell, I encourage it! I gladly accepted the good natured jabs of the folks in my squad after the stage, but I think the "humorus" commentary from the RO could have waited until after the timer stopped.

It was really, really frustrating. Won't stop me from going back next week though....... its just something for the ROs to bear in mind, especially with the new shooters.

Yeah, regardless of how small a match it was that was a pisspoor way to run a shooter. Im not sure it would be ok even if you were good friends.

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