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Fourtrax's Range Report

Chris iliff

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Reloaded more ammo. Press still working GREAT. I'm almost done with reloading for my trip. Found out the match I'm shooting on the 12th is a 5 stage classifier match. That kinda sucks, but it is trigger time.

Did some transitions/ eye snapping tonight. Always thinking about my WH grip. That is coming along nicely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Down here in Florida. Shot a local with my Dad on Sunday. 3rd overall. Missed 2nd by .5%. It was a classifier match with a field course, so 6 stages total. Good warmup for the Florida Open. Didn't shoot anything exceptional, managed an 82% on one classifier. No worries about making Master.

All the dryfire I've been doing really paid off in familiarity with the gun handling.

The match weather was COLD. Low 40's with overcast skies and high winds. Felt like a November Indiana match!! I pulled my 82% on the classifier Crackerjack, last stage and finally the sun was out!!

I leave Ft. Myers tomorrow and drive to Frostproof for the Florida Open. Shoot Thursday with staff, work Friday, Saturday and Sunday running shooters. Then it's off to mouse world for a week of fun, (family is flying down).

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I'm ROing stage 2. Please introduce yourself.

More on match.

There are 10 stages and most are 30 rounds or more. Walk throughs are 3 MINUTES. No shooters meetings each morning. If you are going, come prepared to your stage at first light, don't dawdle. We will shoot at 7am on the nose Friday morning. If you miss the three minute walk through you miss it. Shooting starts precisely at prescribed time.

Stages are deceptively simple with a fairly spread out target arrangement. Most are what I call memory type stages. Almost every stage has hidden targets, you'll move clear across a stage and then be forced to make a transition to a target clear over on the side you came from. Several swingers at 15-20 yards with multiple 1/2 targets on them. One was at least 20 yards and had 3 targets cut in half on it. (don't ask).

My worse stage had 32 targets and a double stacked swinger with half targets on it. It was one shot per target. I couldn't formulate a plan fast enough. First time I shot a stage over a minute!! Suckola.

I spent 2 hours looking at the stages the day before. Not nearly enough time. Believe me, you should have at least 15 minutes prep time each stage. I really screwed myself not prepping more the day before.

My day started with 2 misses and didn't get better till after lunch. I think I might have shot 4 clean stages and they were not up to my usual efficiency. The match was simply the best test of shooting ability I've ever participated in. I think everyone should give the Florida Open a go at some point. All in all it will expose a shooters weaknesses.

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I shot 89% of points. I'm happy with that sorta, maybe a couple higher would be best. It has been a whirlwind of activity since I got here and I'm exhausted!! The level of competition in Open was Nationals quality.

I've got a lot to digest and think about from the match.

First: I need more prep time. I'm sure with proper time and stage prep I could have placed in the 30's overall. My best stages prove this out.

Second: My training with EIS (Keen) paid off when I used it. Problem was I did not fully employ all I learned because of

piss poor stage prep/management. I apologize to Keen and Micah.

Third: I am use to stages of a completely different flavor.

Most stages I've shot seem to have 3-4 shooting positions and a trick or two(hidden targets). Every stage of the Florida Open seemed to have 5-6 positions and target distances double what I'm use too. It was an eye opener!!

I know they set up the match with the international shooters in mind. I'm so glad I shot it and got the experience. More distance more positions!!

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Got up this morning and strapped the gun on. Did some dryfire drills and really got grooving with them. I've taken a different approach lately. I do a lot of my reps REALLY slow and deliberate. I think it is helpful, we will see as the season is getting ready to start.

I did a lot of the slow deliberate dryfire before gping to Florida. I didn't have a great Florida Open, but I did shoot a classifier match with my Dad and managed about an 82% on one. I think the slow deliberate dryfire helped me with that one.

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Dryfired yesterday. Continued with the slow methodical approach. Did SH/WH and transitions. Sometimes I move my body b4 my eyes. Really worked on getting my eyes to an exact spot on the next target, then the gun/dot. Deliberate and methodical dryfire reps are helping me burn it in. If the weather improves I'm going to hit the range. From the Florida Open I learned some things. I want to spend my range time doing stuff at a distance this year.

Edited to add: Dryfired tonight, same as yesterday. Felt good. I've got my dryfire wall setup with different targets all 1/3 scale. I like the arrangement.

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Got to the range today ( couple yards out back door) and picked it up, did a little cleaning.

Then I gunned up and tested out my progress with some 1 shot draws from 10 yards to my plate rack. Very happy with the results. Ran cold and was in the high 1.30's, within 3-4 I was in the 1.20's. Soon I was consistently in low 1.20's and high teens. Best was 1.14. I'm happy that I did not use a speed focus, stayed relaxed and didn't have a miss until I stepped back to 15 yards. Even at 15 yards I was in the high 1.30's.

Not as happy with my WH 10 yard draws. Several misses on first shot. Once I got rolling after first shot I was fine going to the other plates. Just the first shot. I worked it out and smoothed up my trigger pull, but my draw transfer needs more work and I'll do it.

Also tested some new powder (Autocomp), currently I use True Blue. I've been told Autocomp is a little smoother and dot movement is better. I'd have to agree. Good thing as I bought 8 pounds already. I know that's backwards, but I respect both guys who told me, thanks Dad and Repete Briggs. I'll spend a month or two using up the last of my TB and will shoot Ohio State using it as I've already got my load figured out and trust it.

I've thought about goals for the season and first is stay relaxed. Second is shoot into my class at a level 2 or higher match. Third is get more consistent with classifiers and turn in some in the 80's percentage wise. I've only broke into the 80's 3 or 4 times. The first goal will help me achieve the others. As the wife says, "You think too much" and she's right. She's not the only one either, my good friend Phil has told me this more than once.

RELAXING will come with familiarity and I'm going to be familiar with my gun and it's handling. I want it in my hand daily and plan to make that happen. Time to groove.

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Did some dryfire today. 1 shot draws, SH, WH, surrender, turn an draw. Did 2reload 2 and 1 reload 1. Everything felt smooth after a couple reps.

My brain flashed to something Manny said about the draw and I've been working that. Basically he said his draw was one smooth motion. Practicing different phases kinda lead me to a 4 step process. Grip, WH meeting and gripping, push out to target, and finally dot acquisition and shot. I've been smoothing it all out. The super methodical deep practice is a great benefit. I think it's really helping me.

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Went to the range today. Ran dryfire drills on my plate rack. Also did entries and exits. Worked on transitions. Also did turning draws.

I did the entries and exits more for a cardio workout. Of course I kept my gun up and paid attention to them nonetheless. I worked up a good sweat, which is what I was after.

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Two 70 degree days in a row!! I hit the range again. I had about 100 rnds loaded up and thought the best use would be one shot draws at 10 yards and some Draw to WH and finally turning draws.

One shot draws at 10 yards: didn't push at all. Probably did 18. I did the whole rack very methodical first run. I was surprised that my slow and methodical deep practice draws were all between 1.60 and 1.80. Heck, a few years ago that was a full on burn em down attempt. They felt slow to me. I then did them "regular". First one was 1.29 and it went down (good) from there. More than half below 1.20 and several below 1.15. Best was a 1.06 and it might be the most perfect draw I've done, EVER I SAW everything. I've done well below 1 sec numerous times, but this one really pleased me. I stopped right there.

My draw to WH needs work. It's hovering around 1.8 for an average. Sometimes into the low 2's. A good one is 1.50 to 1.65 or so. I did more of these than anything else as I really want to improve my WH. Strange, the first shot is the hardest. Follow up shots (plate to plate) are smooth and dot tracking is good. I get great shark fin movement of the dot and shots are dead on the plate. I thought I had the draw and transfer down, but I'll keep working it. I'd like consistently below 1.5 on this at 10 yards.

Turn and draw: don't know what to say here. Practice quickly became frustrating. I've never had a speedy turn and draw, but tonight was ugly. I didn't spend too much on it as it wasn't working for me. I did most very methodical.

All in all it was great to be on the range. Gonna try to get down to Coach's match this Sunday at Riley. Hope weather holds.

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This weather is great!! I hit the range again tonight. I just Dryfired tonight. One shot draws, draw transfer to WH, surrender, and finally turn and draws.

They all felt good, I worked my turn and draw the most. Did it very methodical and burned it in. I got it down to 1.20. I don't know exactly what my deal was last night during live fire, but I'm thinking I was concerned about my feet too much. Tonight I didn't. I just snapped my eyes quick to the target. It's been said before, your body knows what to do. If you snap your eyes/head to that target your feet will do what they need to do.

I also ran up my side berm 5 times starting with a beep. I drew my gun at the start. It was killer. This is a good size steep berm. I plan on this more and some lateral box to box stuff with the gun. I don't think we have to be super athletes to be competitive, but we do need a modicum of conditioning. Couch potatoes need not apply.

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Did a little turn and draw dryfire practice today. That's coming along. Gonna shoot Riley tomorrow. The weather here in Indiana is record breaking for us. Hope it hold through tomorrow!!

Finally got my classifier match posted from Florida. Not that it is going to move me anywhere. But, it is helping me formulate my training.

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Sitting in car at Riley, just finished the match. It was a great match! I really liked the courses of fire. I'm making progress, but I'm not satisfied with today. I really need some new Myelination pathways. I've been trying to figure my mistakes out and work them into practices.

Today: stage 1 bay 3, first stage of match. Everyone seemed rushed. I did a quick look, seemed simple. Basically 4 ports, 3-4 target per port. Fine, I'm behind the eight ball as my mags aren't loaded. No problem, start loading mags. Then I hear, "Chris your first", shit, gotta load mags faster. Get done and walkthrough's basically over. Get a couple run throughs done and go to start. RO says, Chris, you know all the ports are closed, right. Nope, I didn't know. It went downhill fairly quick. I was asked by RO if I needed more time, but in a panic said NO. I didn't want to hold anyone up. In hindsight, that was STUPID! Should have accepted or asked to go second.

Stage 2 bay 4, got my act together. Formulated a descent plan. Put together a good run. Had some D's, hits not as crisp as they should be. After stage one, I'll take it.

Stage 3 bay 5: nice little seated start stage. 3 targets left, 3 right, move up shoot target left, popper, popper, target right, then a swiger activated by second popper. Not a bad run, didn't feel smooth. Extra shot on swinger that I didn't need.

Stage 4 bay 6: very short 7 target course. Felt good and flowed, hits sloppy. Movement the whole time. So 14 shots in 7.09 seconds.

Stage 5 big bay: wide opn field course 32 rounds. I correctly picked out two troublesome targets for me during walk through. Got my hits on them. Need to learn more about my weaknesses. Had a Mike on a target at spitting distance. Coming into a position I setup on farthest target and nailed it, but my transition to next target netted a Mike. This is an area of weakness. I'm not killing myself with the difficult. I'm doing it with the easy. I meed to be staying on dot 7 yards and closer. I need to see each close shot and always respect the targets. On this occasion I was thinking finish the next 2 close ones, reload, and blast to last position.

Last was classifier. Can't remember which one but it was a "stringed affair". I flubbed from start and did the exact thing on same classifier last year. It's a one shot per target, reload, one shot per target. After first 4 shots I just spaced it. Tick tock tick tock, oh yeah, reload do it again.

Some stages are great and some my old habits creep in. Nothing to do but perfect practice.

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I won stage 2, in above post. As it turned out it was my best stage. Coming off the disaster of my first stage , I did everything right on this stage.

Overall, in Open I had a crappy match. Funny, comparing 1st place to 6th(me). It was fairly close. From high 80's to the winner.

The real interesting thing is the winner generally shot slower than everyone, 2-6 place. Except on my first stage, my times were considerably better every other stage. Some by several seconds. But he had no penalties and gobs more

A's. A signicant # more, actually Guy shot a clean match. Clean, clean, clean.

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The real interesting thing is the winner generally shot slower than everyone, 2-6 place. Except on my first stage, my times were considerably better every other stage. Some by several seconds. But he had no penalties and gobs more

A's. A signicant # more, actually Guy shot a clean match. Clean, clean, clean.

It also was his first to to ever shoot open in a match, he just recently got that open Glock. Looks like he likes the dot

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Hey, I looked him up. Guys no slouch and knows the game. Of course I'd feel better if he was an A shooter, instead of a high B in limited and production.

Man he shot a good match. There's a lesson for everyone in those scores. I went back and double checked, except for my first stage, I slaughtered him on time. Almost a full ten seconds over the match.

But boy oh boy, did he smoke us on, ..... Get this and go figure,...... SHOOTING "A's". Shooting A's? This aint Production, c'mon man!! No fair Dude!!!

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First thanks for coming down. Matt Robert is a bad ass and is only a B because he wants to be a B. To which I say good for him.

Time is only part of the equation. Focus on getting A's on everything under ten yards and the mike's on easy targets will go away. I had an extra shot issue on Sunday. We need go hits on the first shot and that is the bottom line.

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Sitting in car at Riley, just finished the match. It was a great match! I really liked the courses of fire. I'm making progress, but I'm not satisfied with today. I really need some new Myelination pathways. I've been trying to figure my mistakes out and work them into practices.

Today: stage 1 bay 3, first stage of match. Everyone seemed rushed. I did a quick look, seemed simple. Basically 4 ports, 3-4 target per port. Fine, I'm behind the eight ball as my mags aren't loaded. No problem, start loading mags. Then I hear, "Chris your first", shit, gotta load mags faster. Get done and walkthrough's basically over. Get a couple run throughs done and go to start. RO says, Chris, you know all the ports are closed, right. Nope, I didn't know. It went downhill fairly quick. I was asked by RO if I needed more time, but in a panic said NO. I didn't want to hold anyone up. In hindsight, that was STUPID! Should have accepted or asked to go second.

Stage 2 bay 4, got my act together. Formulated a descent plan. Put together a good run. Had some D's, hits not as crisp as they should be. After stage one, I'll take it.

Stage 3 bay 5: nice little seated start stage. 3 targets left, 3 right, move up shoot target left, popper, popper, target right, then a swiger activated by second popper. Not a bad run, didn't feel smooth. Extra shot on swinger that I didn't need.

Stage 4 bay 6: very short 7 target course. Felt good and flowed, hits sloppy. Movement the whole time. So 14 shots in 7.09 seconds.

Stage 5 big bay: wide opn field course 32 rounds. I correctly picked out two troublesome targets for me during walk through. Got my hits on them. Need to learn more about my weaknesses. Had a Mike on a target at spitting distance. Coming into a position I setup on farthest target and nailed it, but my transition to next target netted a Mike. This is an area of weakness. I'm not killing myself with the difficult. I'm doing it with the easy. I meed to be staying on dot 7 yards and closer. I need to see each close shot and always respect the targets. On this occasion I was thinking finish the next 2 close ones, reload, and blast to last position.

Last was classifier. Can't remember which one but it was a "stringed affair". I flubbed from start and did the exact thing on same classifier last year. It's a one shot per target, reload, one shot per target. After first 4 shots I just spaced it. Tick tock tick tock, oh yeah, reload do it again.

Some stages are great and some my old habits creep in. Nothing to do but perfect practice.

Sorry about the first stage Chris

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Hey no problem. It was a great stage by the way! Entirely my fault. I should have gotten my act together and been ready for walk through. It burns my ass how OBTUSE I can be at critical moments. Our second stage was my best. I did everything correct, mags prepared, visualization for 7 or 8 runs, deep breathing. = stage win in Open.

It was a close match, limit mistakes and D hits and I win.


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