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Ft Benning 3-Gun Challenge 2010

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I have about 25 "bad" email addresses. If you or a friend did not hear from me at all last night, please email your contact information to: LChico@msn.com

Do not send me PM's on this forum about the match. Do not contact me on Facebook about this match. Do not send text messages to my phone. And, if the on-line place has a "Chat" feature, I don't do chat.

There is one of me & close to 700 of you. If I do not keep all the information in one place (my personal email), trust me that it will get "lost" or forgotten.


Linda Chico (L-2035)

21010 Ft Benning 3 Gun Statistician

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Thank you for all your hard work. At #13 on the list, I will need certain brands of Chocolates, special blends of Coffee, and what else to move up???

Seriously, I have hopes I will get in, but I also feel for those that got a good number and will have to drop out so I can shoot.


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Had a household emergency last night at about T-15 minutes. That kind of crashing noise MUST be checked out when someone is doing loader work outside. Got back to keyboard at T+45 secs, and ended up #161 on wait list. Must be lots of duplicate entries, because the code is like 1091. Thanks to Linda for getting that far down the list before 1:00am.

If you are number 75-300 + on the waiting list, I'll have to ask for your patience. I promise to do everything I can to get you into the match, but we are approaching numbers that may be difficult to overcome.

A finely crafted polite way of saying "sorry, try again next year". :(


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Hey Brother!

Glad to see you will be shooting some 3 gun with us. Myself and a good friend are #25 & #26 on the wait list.

Hope to see you in December.


I just read the whole email(I had stopped after I saw the number and the sorry) and I am #19 on the waiting list. Now I have some hope.

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Thanks Jayson, I was trying to make VA/MD this year, but just can't swing it. This will be my first big 3 gun match(if I make it in) I live close enough that short notice is no problem.

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Recon215 saved my butt on this one. I was literally asleep at the switch but, thanks to the dual sign ins. My buddy got me in at #280..........A high dollar dinner is definitely on me.


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In at #204. This will be my second FB3G (I was at the inaugural event).

Is anyone traveling from the NJ/Philadelphia area?

I'm amazed that Linda was able to process all the applications in that short amount of time. A very good job indeed.

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Echoing Ty's statements

. . . It is a bad time of year to shoot in Georgia.

The holiday season will be coming up. . Think of the kids and the shinny presents that could by their love (empty brass and dirty guns just don't buy parental love like it used to)

You will have to travel with your guns & ammo . . . thinks of the hassles with the TSA.

Linda said not to rush those apps back in too soon, trust me its ok, she really did not mean you'll go to the back of the waiting list!! !

Those of you on the waiting list well . . . you know that you probably won't get in, and if you did get in it would be at the last minute, and come on. . Face reality getting a flight & a hotel during the holiday season at the last moment . . . .??? So it would just be best to graciously take your name off the waiting list now.

Look work with me people I'm 95 down on the waiting list!

And short of a pallet of dark chocolate Ghirardelli and Swiss confections delivered to Linda's door . . . this is my best shot. .

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I got DQ'd before even getting registered. I sat with my trigger finger hovering over the button for 1 1/2 minutes. The countdown was at 09:29:58 when an involuntary twitch of the finger and it was all over. "To Soon" appeared on the screen.

For those that made it in, be safe, have fun, get lots of video.

Brian, sorry to hear you didn't get in. I was hoping to shoot with you and my other buddy from up there again come December. I had a ball shooting with everyone at BRM3G. Please tell him I said Hey!

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Well I heard that since some of the guys are over seas, that this years match will not be the same as the last. So to all you competitiors that have made it in, if there is a closer match for you, you might want to think about that and just skip this on for this year. Plus I heard it will sleet with howling wind in the morning and at noon will change and be 100+ degree with no wind and 99% humidity by 2:00 PM. The flee and tick infrestation is reaching epidemic preportions. The west nile mosquitos are multiplying at exponetial rates. I just want all you shooters to know that I am concerned about you and you saftey. I humbly submitt to you that I will carry the burden of such drudgery for my fellow shooters.

There is a glimmer of hope that things might change if 10 shooters drop out befor the match.

Yes I am on the waitng list but I do not want to disclose what position.

It would truly be a good thing if no one had to drop out. I know that the only way I get good news is for someone else to have already recieved the bad news so it is bitter/sweet for me to get in now, but hope I still do. To whomever make it possible, I do apprieate it and hope all goes well.

Ty, you are good. I was actually moved by it, well something moved, not sure what, I'll have to get back to you on that. :sick:

Seriously, I wish everyone could get it. Sorry for the folks that didn't.

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TSA is no problemo at Air Itasca. Captain Jim does his own Security Check. Stow the baggage yerself and climb aboard WOOF. We head south at the speed of...well we head south, takes a day or so to get to Benning from here. All seats are or have rights to a sleeper berth. food and beverages available, but no stewardesses onboard. (Mrs. allows a lot of things, but draws the line at others).

Cruising altitude is whatever the dirt is at, on this 'flightpath' it varies from sea level to around 3,000 feet.

And I have the time blocked out so as long as I get about a week's notice or so, I am good to go. Now mind you I'd prefer about 5 month's notice.


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TSA is no problemo at Air Itasca. Captain Jim does his own Security Check. Stow the baggage yerself and climb aboard WOOF. We head south at the speed of...well we head south, takes a day or so to get to Benning from here. All seats are or have rights to a sleeper berth. food and beverages available, but no stewardesses onboard. (Mrs. allows a lot of things, but draws the line at others).

Cruising altitude is whatever the dirt is at, on this 'flightpath' it varies from sea level to around 3,000 feet.

And I have the time blocked out so as long as I get about a week's notice or so, I am good to go. Now mind you I'd prefer about 5 month's notice.


When I went the first time, I "drove" down with 2 people that you know. By "drove" I mean that somehow I wound up doing most of the driving. I wasn't a happy camper. Don't even get me started on the sleeping arrangements.

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I got DQ'd before even getting registered. I sat with my trigger finger hovering over the button for 1 1/2 minutes. The countdown was at 09:29:58 when an involuntary twitch of the finger and it was all over. "To Soon" appeared on the screen.

For those that made it in, be safe, have fun, get lots of video.

Echoing what the buzzworm said. Damn I hate that you got the DQ for creeping.... Always a smile, a great attitude and a kind word from Brian.

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