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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


Black Dog

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There's a newer SIG forum at http://www.sigtalk.net/ you might want to check out.

Not as much traffic but a friendly bunch of folks. At least for now, it's very focused on SIGs. SIGFORUMS.com often seems like just another gun forum that happens to have a section on Sig.

Stop by and say hi. I'm VADavid there.

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SIGFORUMS.com often seems like just another gun forum that happens to have a section on Sig.

I don't really see that or get the point of another one of the same forum. It's very SIG-oriented.

I will admit, however, that one of the longest threads over there being entitled "You will buy a Glock", and it being started by the owner of the site himself, is damn funny.

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Actually, one of the reasons I like Sigforum a lot is the variety of discussion on other types of guns. It's nice to not have to login to three different forums just because you have questions about three different guns.

Another reason I like it is that there are a good number of very knowledgable gunsmiths in the Armorer's section who are willing to help you diagnose and correct problems.

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