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Everything posted by Jeff686

  1. Nope, the SDB does not use standard dies, and it only has 4 positions. You can't use Lee dies. Upon further inspection, I've found frequently that the rims are not coincentric with the case body. Is my resizing die doing this (shell plate not in line with die), or is some brass just sloppy. I'm only loading .45 to 165pf, so I'm not worried about used brass. If it ain't split, I'll reload it. I don't pay much attention to where I get it; mixed head stamps, found at range, gunbroker.com.... The noteworthy part, is that I've been reloading like this for a couple of years (without a case gauge), and don't think I've had a FTF because of case size/shape. I think I'll toss the 'rim fails' in my practice ammo bag, and use the gauge for match ammo.
  2. I thought all locks had to be TSA approved (so they can open them). Does this not appy to firearm cases? Anyone ever cable lock their guncase inside a suitcase? You could even run the cable through the trigger guard. They could inspect it by opening the TSA approved lock, but you'd have a key to the cable lock, peventing theft. My dad used to be an airline pilot, years ago. He said sometimes a baggage handler would get fired for having a ring of luggage keys. In those days, luggage locks were keyed with only a few different styles/types of mechanisms. Although I understand the TSA wants to be able to open and search our luggage, I doubt very seriously that the 'universal' TSA keys are highly guarded.
  3. I just started using a case gauge on my 45 ammo. I've never had a problem, but I thought some added insurance might be appropriate. How many do you typically have that don't fit the gauge? I'm getting 10%-15% fail. They go in most of the way, but don't drop all the way. I use a Square Deal B (obviously without a full length resizing die).
  4. Oh, yea. That sound was coming from me... I guess I forget how well some can shoot a revo, and how bad some can shoot an open gun. I'm just used to the locals matches... the 625s are usually at the bottom.
  5. Jeff686

    Feelin' Lucky?

    Snopes Urban Legend Link about Blue Sky
  6. Ooohh!! I'll take 10% off that new Gold Team!!
  7. Jeff686

    Which one?

    Szamboti Gus or Barry?
  8. Jeff686

    Which one?

    Chocolate Jackie Chan or Steven Segal ?
  9. Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that..... Ok, maybe you'll beat the occassional DQ, or the guy who can't reload and squibs on every stage... But let's be serious. Running a revolver in open class is for FUN and ENTERTAINMENT value. Not for winning.
  10. I got a kick-ass economy trigger on my 686 with a spring kit from Wolff Gun Springs! I made up some of my 'pet' loads, using FEDERAL primers. After installing the Wolff kit, I went to the range and loosened the main spring adjustment screw ALL THE WAY. Then I tightened it just until the gun works consistently. Add some loctite, and go shoot. Sometimes with non-federal primers, I get a light hit. It coul probably be smoother with some polishing, or lighter (SA) with some stoning, but it's pretty darn good right now. Moon clips are a pain in the butt for a 686. I've tried them - a lot!! You gotta get the right brass (38 short colt), right clips, and right bullets. The clips are EXPENSIVE compared to a 625. The brass is easily recovered for re-use. Even with everything tuned, they don't 'drop in' like a 625 clip does. I get a lot more mileage and speed out of the safariland CompIII speed loaders. I really like my grips too. They're they soft black rubber ones, that are very popular. I forget the brand name, but it's one of the well known brands. It really makes recoil controll easier. If you're gonna shoot it in 'open' in USPSA, you'll be running against the autos. There's no 'open' revolver division. Don't expect anything but last place, all the time. Of course, it will still be a lot of fun!
  11. OK, not to beat a dead horse... But, only for sake of discussion: What if you live in California and buy a new 1911 style pistol, then pin the safety? Have you broken a state law? I thought California had a 'drop test' type affair, where certain safety criteria were required for sale of new firearms. I don't live in CA, so I don't know if this is an urban legend or not. Didn't some manufacturers have to change/add features to their products to become "California Legal"?
  12. Yea, Clark did my 686. Althought they did the work as advertised, I wasn't too happy with the whole experience (tool marks, plus long wait time). I think that moonclips.com has drawings, and you can take them to any gunsmith. I thought it would be a fast reload (like 625), but I was wrong. I had lots of problems, and I think only some of them are fixable. 1. moonclip price - ouch real expensive. If you're rich, no worries. 2. moonclip fit - getting brass and moonclips to match is difficult. I've heard that if you buy the right brands of each, they fit well, but it's a pain in the butt. If the fit is too loose, the shells flop around a little, and don't line up right to drop in the cylinder. Sort and measure your brass and moon clips - no worries. 3. Short Colt - using 38 short colt fixes a lot of the 'floppy cartridge' problems, since they are shorter. However, making minor is 'on the edge'. I get a little primer flow sometimes. Watch those pressures! (maybe get the 38 super cylinder). 4. Too much cylinder, not enough hole - the 6 shot moon clips don't easily drop into the cylinder. Round nose bullets help some, but when you 'toss' the clip at the cylinder they don't always drop right in. Champher the cylinder helps too, but not enough. The 625 (.45 cal) are fast, you just throw the clip at the cylinder and go. I'm not sure how quick the .40 revolver is.. but it's probably better. The 686+ is a 7 shot, so the clip might more easily find it's way home.
  13. Sorry, You can't shoot 9mm as Major in Limited. Minimum caliber for Limited Major is .40 Open is the only division that allows Major 9mm.
  14. I'm designing my own shooting shirt, with logos and artwork that I've made (or stolen). However, I need ideas for cool looking layout or funny sayings. Post pictures of your favorite or funniest IPSC/USPSA themed T-Shirt. Funny quotes or suggestions for my shirt are also appropriate.
  15. My vote is for the Square Deal B. I first bought a Lee Turret. It works, but it gets tiresome in MINUTES. I takes 4 pulls per bullet! OMG - soooo slow. The same goes for a single stage press. Yea, you can get one for cheap, but loading takes FOREVER. Plus, I think there's a greater chance of screwing up (squips and double loads). When I finally got the Square Deal, I was SOOO happy! If you only load pistol, they are great! Also, I don't buy into that 'quick change' argument for the 550. Just buy extra Square Deal B instead. The quick change head, dies, powder measure, and all that junk for the 550 has got to cost close to a used Square Deal B. I have two, and am planning a 3rd. I hang them on the side of my reloading bench from nails, and move them to the front when I need them. Switching is easy! I kept my Lee Turret for 38/357, and haven't used it in YEARS! Keep searching for a Square Deal B in your desired caliber, check locally at all the gun ranges, and IPSC matches. Ebay is OK, but prices usually get bid up some. Even if you have to wait a few months to scrounge up an additional $130, you can buy one new, set up, ready to run, from Dillon (or even Brian's shop).
  16. Dust cover of Tanfoglio Open gun is 1.000" A good gunsmith should be able to custom make a mount that sits on the left side of the gun. The sight would be screwed onto the side of the mount, you should not need to rotate it, you may be able to screw into the sight. See picture below but with the mount on the other side of the gun. You may need to angle the mount away from the gun a little, which you can just make out in the attached picture. Aimpoint_side_mount.tiff Hennings scope mount is a good option if you won't want to go with a Aimpoint or Doctor. Now I'm wondering, has anyone ever done this to a C-More SlideRide? You could get the sight another 8-10 mm lower. Would it be strong and safe enough to drill and tap the side of the C-More, and screw it to the mount.
  17. Dust cover of Tanfoglio Open gun is 1.000" A good gunsmith should be able to custom make a mount that sits on the left side of the gun. The sight would be screwed onto the side of the mount, you should not need to rotate it, you may be able to screw into the sight. See picture below but with the mount on the other side of the gun. You may need to angle the mount away from the gun a little, which you can just make out in the attached picture. Aimpoint_side_mount.tiff Hennings scope mount is a good option if you won't want to go with a Aimpoint or Doctor. That's cool. The micro might look strange mounted that way. After taking a closer look at the Micro, I now realize it would require a right hand side mount to acomplish a graceful 90deg rotation. Not that that is impossible, but it does make it harder.
  18. I don't think they've been around long enought for anyone to know yet, but for $500, they better be good. I think aimpoint has a very good reputation.
  19. That's a sweet looking two-tone! The reason I'd do the Serendipity (if it existed) instead of Hennings mount is money. $120 could buy me another Henning tuned magazine. I won't need to move the scope, since this is my first and last Open gun... I can't justify upgradding every few years, the wife would not be happy.
  20. OK, I've never been in 'open' division before, so I didn't know 4 MOA was too small. Why is it too small? What size do you like? As far as scope height, I guess I'm used to worrying about this on a rifle. I haven't plotted the trajectory of a 'open pistol' projectile. I wonder how much the dot height impacts the 'point blank' range. Maybe it's already so large, that a 1/2" in dot height doesn't matter. What distance do you 'zero'? I made some assumptions about the weight, and I guessed wrong. So that's not a factor, at least between C-More and Micro. I wonder how much the Aimpoint Comp weighs. Of course, I'm not trying to build an 'ultralight' blaster, and the Gold Team is probably heavy anyway. I'd probably choose a Serendipity, but I don't think they make one that matches the Gold Team hole pattern. Does anyone know for sure? I agree with you about the parallax on the Optima style sights. I had an original Optima, and tried it on my target revolver, and had a lot of trouble offhand. I have a J-Point piggy-backed on a 6x Leupold on my AR, and I love it. However, I'm not convinced I'd like one on an open gun. I've heard that the dot dissapears between each shot (maybe that's bad recoil control by the shooter). It would be nice to use the top of the slide to index and 'find the dot' but a tube (like the aimpoint) would solve that problem. Of course, there's another factor that kills the Optima style for me, you have to cut the slide. I'm on a budget, and don't want to pay for the work (and the re-chrome). Is it common to 'loose the dot' on a c-more? Does it happen a lot?
  21. It's been really dead in here for days. I wanted to encourage some discussion. The wife game me an OK to spend my next bonus on a Gold Team, so I've been surfing the web looking at everything Tanfoglio I could find. One thing I've been thinking about is Aimpoint Comp or C-More. There are 'off the shelf' mounts available for both. However, I also am interested in the new Aimpoint Micro, which doesn't have a 'customized' mount yet. So, here's the financials: C-More: $200 C-More Mount: $120 Total $320 Advantages: Cheapest Disadvantages: High Dot, Big, Weight Aimpoint COMPC SM: $348 Aimpoint CMPI Mount: $120 Total: $468 Advantages: Lower Dot, no ejection problems Disadvantages: Weight? Size Aimpoint Micro R-1: $540 Mount: Weaver, included from Tanfoglio (right?) Advantages: Newest cool thing, weight, size, no ejection problems Disadvantages: Price, no good mounts, height unknown. Now, I don't have any expectation that anyone will come out with a customized Aimpoint Micro mount for Gold Team. However, I've been looking at the sight, and been wondering if I could build one. With the weaver attachement removed, the Micro has a base-to-dot distance of about 0.7". If you turn the scope 90deg, and mount it with a flat piece of aluminum, would the dot be close enough to the center of the barrel? Is the dust cover on the Gold Team 1.4" wide? Wow, wouldn't that be luck? If not, how much 'off center' could be tolerated? I can't manufacture anything complicated, so it would have to be close by happenstance... Attached is a 'photoshopped' picture of Eric G's gun with a Micro onboard, and a photo of Saul's 1911 with a micro. Anyone have an opinion?
  22. I've been trying what Taran Butler suggested, pick up the gun with the weak hand, and place it into your strong hand. That way, you always have a great grip, and don't have to worry about propping it up on your magwell, mag-release, scope, or slide racker.... I'm not sure it's any slower, and you won't risk a fumbled grip...
  23. Hey Henning: Would the 'three port comp kit' (with barrel) offered on EAA's web page fit in an Elite Limited? Slot the slide, add a few ports, chrome it, and you might have a open gun. I think the Elite Limited is already drilled and tapped for a mount. Is this reasonable, or am I barking up the wrong tree? P.S. Will you PM me a price for a Gold Team in 38 super? Wife gave the OK, so now I'm seriously shopping. Thanks!
  24. I shoot in the valley, mostly at Albany, but sometimes go to Tri-County and Dundee. Do you ever come over the hills to shoot here? Maybe we've met. I have not yet had the chance to go to Bend, but I'm sure I could talk the wife into it. Maybe in August. I've been shooting L10, and promised myself to stay with L10 until my eyes needed a red dot. However, there seems to be fewer and fewer L10 shooters, and I'm also beating a bunch of the Limited shooters, so I was considering switching to Limited. Soooo, it seems silly to spend the bucks to switch to limited, then again to open in 5-10 years. If I'm going to get another IPSC gun, I should just go all the way!! How did you make your big stick? I thought the 170mm from the factory were only recently available. Did you weld your own? I'm curious if the factory magazine dimensions are the same for 9mm and 38sup. If so, I wonder what make them different, mabye the feed lips, or follower. Henning is getting 24rnds of 38 in 140mm, and 29rnds in 170mm. How many 9mm fit in your big stick? Tell me about your Witness... you like it? How many ports? Is it easy to make major?
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