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Everything posted by Jeff686

  1. I was playing with a steel shooting load the other day, and got some plated RN bullets that were hollow on the inside. I forget how much they weighted, but they were .45 cal. Maybe get yourself some 85gr RN 380 bullets (.355). Drill out the bottom to make them lighter and to make more room. Load powder/wadding/shot/bullet, in that order. You'll have some shot, plus a solid projectile...
  2. This took me about 5 minutes. I already had the images in photoshop. Of course, that probably violates some copywrite, so.... Here's an alternative:
  3. THAT I didn't know. Thanks. Of course, it doesn't help my situation... I guess I'll just have to sort all my brass (just once). Next time... Starline.
  4. There was a bad batch of brass several years ago. They have their act together and you can use the brass w/o worry. As far as brass not going in to the shellplate, if it won't go in the 38 super, it sure will not go in the 38 supercomp one. More importantly, if it will not go in the shellplate, chances are it will hang up on the extractor on the gun and cause all kinds of trouble. Using the smaller shellplate is the best way to make sure none of the regular 38 super brass sneaks in. If the brass is new and won't go in, keep it separate, call the people you bought it from and say that the regular 38 super got mixed in and ask for repalcement. Maybe I'm confused, or maybe I didn't explain myself well enough. The brass is all marked AP 38 SUPER RL, which is Armscor's label for rimless 38 super. I called Dillon and confirmed that the shell plate is for 38 super rimless (aka supercomp). Isn't the difference between 38 super and supercomp the diameter of the rim? In regular 38 super, the rim is a larger diameter than the rest of the case, but in 38 supercomp, the rim is the same diameter as the case. That's why when you stack the rimless in the magazines, they don't tend to catch on each other or make a curved pattern in the magazine. From my perspective, 38 supercomp still has a rim, just a smaller diameter. If I'm wrong about this, someone correct me, please. My problem is not the rim diameter. They all have about the same diameter. My problem is the tickness of the rim. Some of the brass slides right into the shell plate, some is tight, and some doesn't even go in. I don't have a mixed batch of rim/rimless, I have a batch with loose tolerances on rim thickness. I took a piece of brass and some valve polishing compound and ran it around in the shell plate. I think it smoothed out the burs and tool marks some. The 'snug' brass now slides in without too much effort. However, all that not withstanding, I've started sorting the brass, using the shell plate as a gauge. The only thing that I need to know now is if Amrscor is always like this, or do I have a bad batch? If I have to cull this much brass, it will be cheaper to switch to starline, if it is 100% good.
  5. Well, I ordered the super comp. I assume it is the correct plate. I have not had any loose primers yet.
  6. I just got a caliber conversion for my SDB. I started loading NEW armscor 38 super rimless brass this evening. One out of every five won't fit in the shell plate. It seems that the rim is too thick. Anyone else have this problem? I'm going to call Dillon in the AM. I hope they don't say, "buy Starline". I've got 2.5K of this armscor stuff. I was thinking about deburring and smoothing out the shell plate, hoping that would allow all the brass to work. However, I'm hesitant about making it too loose. All my other shell plates and mixed brass work fine (45ACP, 9mm, 357 Mag).
  7. I just got a new (to me) open gun (my first). I set out to buy a few different powders to work up a load. Well, my choice of powder is now based on what I can find, not what I like. I drove all around town looking. No one has Longshot, SP2, VV-3N37, or VV-3N38. I finally found a pound of 7625 on clearance at a chain store. It was their last pound, and they will not be restocking.... Really sucks!!! Where do you guys get a reliable source of powder?
  8. Yea! Baby! Open Gun!! Thanks to my wife, who didn't complain too much. Also, thanks to IYAOYAS who is selling it to me!!! (pictures stolen from Henning, mine will look slightly different)
  9. Tanfoglio Witness Gold Team It's more than a wish, it's happening!!! I wanted 9mm, but settled for 38super!! Thanks Carl! (image is not the actual one I'm getting)
  10. I read an article about the Handi-Rifle recently in one of the gun rags. One of the side notes was a Black Hills 223 that the factory said was sufficient for dear hunting, and was successfully used in the handi-rifle. I think it was the 60gr Soft Point, but it might have been the 60gr Nosler Partition. I'll try to find the article.
  11. Jeff686

    Lotto tickets

    Where in PA? I grew up in western PA, but havent been back in 10 years. In high school, I worked at a place where they sold scratch-off. I was shocked at how many were sold to people obviously unable to afford them. One guy was known for dumpster diving for pop cans. I guess I'd rather they by lotto tickets than alcohol. I have to admit one of my decadent indulgences is a Powerball ticket. I'll buy one every couple of months, usually right before I have to sit through one of those all day off-site staff meetings at work. Somehow, it is fun to daydream about winning, instead of paying attention to my boss. I particulary enjoy imagining ways to get fired. I could stop supressing my thoughts and say whatever came to mind, call people on their BS, and throw out outrageous ideas. Of course, knowing my luck, I'd get a promotion...
  12. I was just reading a thread about the Square Deal B, and heard that some people lube their pistol brass to make things run smoother. Makes sense. Comments were made about how to easily clean the lube off the completed rounds. ..break.. At a big match this summer, I saw a guy putting his ammo in a plastic bag with a rag and a little squirt of silicon(e) spray lube. He shook it around a bit, then loaded his mags. He said it makes the gun/mags run better, and learned it from a GM at a training class. Is this common? Anyone do it? ..combine.. So, would using lube (one shot or something), then not cleaning it off the complete cartridge have the same effect as the plastic bag spray lube trick? Is the case lube thicker or bad for the gun/mags? Oh, and don't throw that 'deactivate the primer' thing at me. I saw an extensive analysis of this, including long term storage, and it found no adverse effect of oil on the ouside of the primer for a completed cartridge.
  13. Well, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one wondering about this... Someone needs to kick EAA/Tanfoglio in the nuts. They are being real idiots. There are many of us willing and able, with money in hand, to buy their guns. I know the USA practical shooting sports are dominated by the 1911 wide-bodies (and plastic guns in production). I know they think they can't compete (in the market). I think they are missing out on a huge opportunity to establish themselves as a great alternative. With an open/limited 1911 running from $2000 - $5000, the Limited Elite and Gold Team are a great value. If they don't get their act together, I'm gonna have to cancel my order and buy a 1911 instead.
  14. I have two SDB, one in 45 and one in 9mm. Every time I consider adding another caliber via conversion kit, I see a used one for sale and try to buy it instead. After loading 200 rounds of 38spcl last month on my red turret press (not progressive), I'm looking for a 3rd SDB with 38 dies. I would probably toss the red press, but the SDB does not do rifle cartridges, and I'm gonna keep it for that, just in case. I've never used anything bigger than a SDB, so I didn't realize that it requires more force than others. I've never noticed (or thought) that it was too difficult. Of course, I don't have arthritis (yet), and can't comment on how that may impact reloading. I have never found it necessary to lube my cases. They run great as-is. Maybe some lube would make it easier yet... I use Ranier plated, both 9mm and 45, and use the standard dillon dies (only ones you can use). Both calibers run in their resective firearms with no trouble. However, my chambers are not 'match' type, and are loose enought that the crimp is not super critical. The only trouble I've heard of is with glock-fired 9mm brass. I've heard you can't resize them full length to get the buldge out. Some say it won't chamber in their tight 9-open guns. Mind you, I've only heard rumors of this, and have no direct knowledge of it happening.
  15. WTF!!! I already bought airline tickets! GD! I can't believe it!! My wife is gonna rip me a new one! She bent over backwards to change our vacation plans, buy special tickets, and fly alone with the kids, just so I could get there early and shoot this match. She is gonna be so pissed. How am I gonna tell her? After this, I guess I can forget traveling anywere to shoot in any major matches. She'll hold this over my head for years!!!!! A little warning, or maybe a notice on the web page "location for 2008 not confirmed yet". Thanks a lot!
  16. Cool web page. Here's the historical lead prices per ton, for last 7 years (and last year).
  17. Just go shoot it. You don't need all those bells n whistles. I made B-Class in L-10 with a POS Norinco 1911 from China. It ran for 4+ years, shooting 2x a month before needing any work.
  18. Although I agree with your about Pocatello, I find your lack of details dissapointing, and not very useful. I loved living in Boise, and explained why in another post. Could you add details about why you didn't like it?
  19. Yea, I vote for Boise!! Lots of sun, all four seasons. Skiing, boating, mountains, beautiful downtown (not too urbanized), and desert are all nearby. The airport is a perfect size, not too big, but big enough for daily flights to the big hubs (MN, CO, WA, CA). Home prices should be good right now. Lots of inventory to choose from. I could find a home there in a couple days of searching. Where I live now, I had to build custom. My wife worked for the hospital in Boise. It was really nice!! Our son was born there; the facility was great, and the people were wonderful. The hosptial had day-care a half block from her office. She used to visit him 2-3 times a day when he was little. I loved it, and would move back in a heart beat. I never shot IPSC there, but hear they have a nice group of guys. Class 3 friendly, if that matters.
  20. Fax? Who faxes anymore? I don't even have a traditional phone line in my house. Jump into the 21st century, dude. I refuse to do business with people if they don't have email. But, if you really must, buy a cheap All-in-one from HP. You don't even have to connect it to your computer.
  21. The Square Deal B primes on the top of the up-stroke, past the natural resting point of the lever. After the down stroke, simply return the lever to the natural resting place, instead of pushing it all the way to the stop. This will prevent it from attemping to prime the brass. You can cycle the lever as much as you want without hurting the mechanism. If it doesn't prime the brass, it just doesn't pick another primer from the tube, no harm. Load it up with primers and cycle the whole mechanism without brass. Watch closely. You'll see how it works. When I'm adjusting the powder measure, I take the brass buttons out of the primer/powder and bullet seating station. I resize and prime one piece of brass. I drop powder into the brass, then remove the brass after it rotates to the bullet seating station and measure the charge weight. I make adjustments to the powder bar, put the brass back in at the powder station and repeat. I continue to cycle the same brass through the process until I get the powder bar adjusted. Done. The brass gets a little too much bell in it after a few cycles, but that usually doesn't hurt anything.
  22. This thing is cool! I thought you could buy replacement bowls for Vibratory Case Cleaners, is that true? If so, use a few of those to cut the slots in. Mount them on the cleaner's base with spacers between them! Hands free brass sorting!
  23. Yea! Baby!!! I'd been hovering in the high 50's for a long time. In October I was at 59.4% (just shy of the 10 most frustrated list on USPSA.com.) Every time I shot a classifier, I tanked it! Badly! Always knowing I could do better made me feel even worse. I finally shot a couple of good, clean classifiers this fall. A nice 72% and 74% finally bumped me into B-Class (at 64%). I think that's the best I can shoot right now. I'm going to have to start practicing more to get over that 75% hurdle! Drinks are on me tonight. See ya all at Applebees at 6:00!!!
  24. Except the headphone jack, these features are all met by the new CED7000 timer. I love mine! It has a cool 'snoop' mode, where you can monitor other shooters in competition. You won't get the 1st shot time (draw time), but you'll have all thier splits and transitions. Cool display, great size, nice flexability. You can download the user manual before purchase, so you can understand all the features in detail. CED7000
  25. Lead Prices in 2008 From a good friend, thanks Ed!
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