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Posts posted by KGentry

  1. Great Match and congrats to Roy Don and Trace from Rudy Project. I did not do as well as I liked. I knew the weather was coming and could not get going for the match.

    On the Dairy Queen thing Dave brought up. Wow! I was kidding to a guy about that and it ends up here on the forum! The way I shot this match it might have been better - well maybe not but it was fun! Well - after the monsoon that came.

    Next stop - Mississippi Classic!

  2. ok it is now 9:37PM and the rain has stopped. It rained 5 hours straight somewhere between 4-5 inches per hour. I would imagine that our area got 20 inches of rain today.

    It is too bad some people could not stay for the Sunday shoot but this was mother nature at work and I hope it is better weather tomorrow. I have been through a few hurricanes in my day and I have not seen bigger rain than today in any of those. Unbelievable!!!!!

    Blow dryers are at work now drying everything off and we will see what happens in the morning. Crazy adventure.

  3. Unbelievable amount of rain!! houses are under water with people crying out in front of them! The range - well lets just say we could not see the roads leaving out - 14" deep in places.

    I will not say who but a shooter was making an attempt at getting to their car and could not see a ditch. He went right in up to his chest in water!!! Gun and all!

    I have never seen this much water without a hurricane being present!!!

  4. I have ran my Benny Hill Open gun with and without. It ran both ways and no problems. I have found very little crud if any in the firing pin hole. I was watching a video that Dave Dawson made and if I remember correctly he puts a drop in the firing pin tunnel and extractor tunnel. He also puts a a drop in the mag release part where the spring is put in. I can only take from that - if you have metal rubbing metal - a little oil cannot hurt and it probably helps if you clean your gun on a regular basis.

  5. one issue that popped up and slowed us down were shooters putting the bar codes on the wrong score sheets, we had more than a few of these and boy do they mess up your scoring. I am hopeful(ha) that Robert will go the way of the Palm scoring system next year.

    Palm Scoring is the one thing that could seriously keep from coming back. Seriously. That system is not ready. It's a neat thing that one day could be great. However, that is someday. Not now.



    I think you must be basing your opinion of the Palm Scoring system used at Nationals this past year. This is NOT what we will be using at Area 4 nor DTC next year if I help score.

    The program we are using is Rod Cassidy's Stage Score His Website. It is a fantastic product and has been extensively tested and given approval by USPSA to use at Level I, II, and III matches. It is a MUCH more simple system to use and I have plenty of hardware.

    I worked with Rod to get an option included in the program to print multiple scoresheets at once. After the stage is scored the RO and shooter review the results, the RO points the Palm at an Infrared printer and 2 copies are printed. one for the shooter and one for the safe box. I have enough Palms for every stage to have 2 to resolve any battery issues...I also have enough Infrared printers for each stage to have 2 plus a few extra's. At each squad change scores will be beamed from the stage Palms to a Master Palm and the sync'ed to another one for a 3rd copy of the data. While sh!t happens it would be very unlikely to lose any electronic data and even if we did we still have those printed copies.

    I assure you I wouldn't have invested so much of my personal funds in all this hardware if I was not 100% confident it is to be a reliable system. As you can imagine 28 Palms and 26 Industrial Infrared Thermal printers was more than a few bucks.

    Lastly, yes, I have already planned and tested the units for the bad weather/dusty environment of the DTR. The units work fine inside a heavy freezer bag and will print to a printer inside a plastic box.

    This system will completely eliminate the shooters need to put barcodes on the scoresheets(and the wrong scoresheet). It will also eliminate an unknown number of scoresheets which appearantly blew away.


    The system you are working on is the way to go and the future of scoring matches - Good Job Lee!!!

  6. I wonder what would have happened if you were home alone watching TV at the time?

    You guys don't know the K man. = he is hitting the buy now button on the movies so that way he could prove he was home "Alone". and them movies do not have a plot to get lost in

    LOL! I get them free :ph34r:

    Yep - It is best to say a little as possible and just be polite.

  7. This was my second DT match and I thought this year's match was as good or better than last year's. Here are some things I thought happened beyond the control of the match staff -

    - Really Bad Weather

    - Wind tunnel testing of shooters :)

    Putting on the second largest match in the US is no easy task. It is allot of work and a great deal of volunteered time to make the match happen. Getting experienced match staff and CRO&RO's to work the match is no easy task either. It takes 4-5 days of commitment and working stages for 2-3 days in whatever weather happens.

    Organizing the time frame of the match is real tricky and can be impossible depending on events that happen on stages that could not be planned for. How the match staff responds to those events is where the magic comes in. I think the DT match staff learned a couple of things at this match and will correct those unforeseen bumps in the road at the next DT 2010.

    I do have to say that I had an RO tell me that scoring on a certain stage for one squad on Friday was done differently than the rest of the squads in the match and that he would never work with that CRO again. That is unfortunate but yet again, beyond the control of the match staff and was probably not reported to them. I only bring that point up in order to make sure we all have a fair shot at getting the correct scores for all shooters.

    All the stages I shot were ROed by great people, friendly and responsive to questions. They worked hard for us and we returned the hard work with taping and resetting as quickly as we could.

    I want to drive home the point that putting on large matches is REALLY DIFFICULT and the staff do it as volunteers. We should all remember that and I am sure most all of us do.

    Thanks to DTR for another great match and we will see you next year!

  8. I wish we could have had a big delay and have to wait to shoot - It would have given me a chance to run to the car and warm up!!!! I thought the match went really well given the weather and what difficulties the wind made to put on a major match - the staff at DT could not have done a better job.

    I wanted to say what a pleasure it was to shoot with squad 22 and all the hard work and support they gave to each other!! O yea thanks to the KG team for helping me out!!

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