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Posts posted by KGentry

  1. I am with you 100% Jim! I refuse to give up any rights concerning guns and ownership. We all know we support shooters 100%! My idea is to find a way to bring more media in with money so we can use that to expand our sport and get more people shooting!! I am sure we can find the way!!

  2. Subtract the politically correct element of the discussion and what you are left with is one target that hinders an expansion of our sport to the media and thus limiting ourselves in prizes and money for all shooters.

    You seem to be stating that as a fact. I would say that at best it is a theory that requires validation.

    1. Has any representative of USPSA been told by any TV executive that they would televise our events if we would only use the classic target instead of the metric target?

    2. Have other similar events not using humanoid targets (Steel Challenge, ProAm, GSSF) gotten TV time?

    3. IPSC has done away with the metric target. When are we going to start seeing IPSC matches on TV?

    Since these are questions I might try to answer them for you.

    1. Some of our events were televised and yes these things have been told to us. When Local news came to Area4 this year I heard the reporter say we need to show something other than the paper targets so they filmed the all steel stage.

    2. I am not sure about GSSF but Steel Challenge and Pro-Am get at least two different TV shows to film every year they are held.

    3. Since these are shot oversees the shows are not shown here in the US to my knowledge but the shooters I have talked to from Europe say yes they have TV coverage of some of the larger events.

    Like I said in another post I personally don't care what target we shoot but I wanted to expand the sport into more media so we can get more money for match directors and make it more friendly for corporate sponsors to spend money at. Those things will benefit our shooters in so many ways and expand our sport I am hoping. I offer these suggestions with motive to help with the cost of shooting and to attract more people into our sport but if our current shooters are against this like kyle suggests then the sport will stay at it's current media level. This is a hard topic to discuss here in the forum but both sides have great aspects as to why they want each target to be in the sport. Match directors have the ability to use one or the other target now so its not a bad situation to have now - Choice is always good!!

  3. Subtract the politically correct element of the discussion and what you are left with is one target that hinders an expansion of our sport to the media and thus limiting ourselves in prizes and money for all shooters.

    Just my view as a sponsor.

    Subtract the Practical element and what you are left with are a bunch of PO'd current customers. Would you rather keep a current customer that is buying your product now, or roll the dice on the phantom customer of the future ?

    Just my view as a consumer of products and services.


    We don't want to upset people and I know this discussion is emotional but what I wanted to offer is a way to expand our sport to more media and get more money into the sport which would help in the cost of shooting with larger prizes and more money for match directors. I personally don't care what target we shoot but wanted to offer a suggestion of trying something to help the sport.

  4. There are good attributes to both targets as I am sure we all know. If we are interested in expanding our sport then we need media coverage plain and simple. Media (TV Shows) will shy away from anything that appears to be a humanoid style target in any form. Knowing this if we were using the classic target it would be easier to get main stream media to cover our events in larger numbers - Example - Top Shot on History Channel.

    This type of media coverage gets the attention of larger companies and increases the chances of sponsorships to more members of USPSA and shooting in general. I can speak as a sponsor when I tell you that media coverage of an event will increase the prize table and or money they will contribute to the event thus making our sport more attractive to a larger pool of people.

    Subtract the politically correct element of the discussion and what you are left with is one target that hinders an expansion of our sport to the media and thus limiting ourselves in prizes and money for all shooters.

    Just my view as a sponsor.

  5. I shot on Friday in really great weather and the stages were great. My new gun did not cooperate but it was allot of fun. I stayed the weekend to watch our shooters compete and hand some cool stuff out to the shooters. I cannot tell you how much respect I have for the RO's Staff and Shooters who shot on Saturday. I went out there to check on things and could only manage 30 mins top. I was frozen. When I saw the snot coming from Shreds face I knew it was time to leave :goof: - Much respect for you guys shooting in 34 degrees 200MPH winds and sideways snow. WOW!!!

  6. :cheers: Robert has done such a good job on the ranch this year. The match is going to be great fun for everyone. I still need to finish s few stages on friday. We have a great list of sponsors this year and i would like to thank them for coming on board. Some have returned from last year and some new one have come on board. Please keep these folks in mind when your purchasing in the future: These folks keep this sport going and they need your help to keep them going.



    Larue tactical

    Dillion Prec.


    Shooters Conn.

    Velosity Shooters

    Dura coat



    10-8 performance


    DR performance



    Nextlevel Training

    Precision Bullets

    E.A.R.XS Sights


    Cheaper Than Dirt

    Anything from wood

    Jager products





    Midway USA


    Precision Delta

    Hogue Inc.




    I hope I haven't forgot anyone.

    Im bringing some cool stuff for the prize table with me. Maybe cool is not the best word at this point. lol !!

  7. We would love to be a sponsor for the match Tim - Ill PM you with my email so you can send the info over. I have read some of the concerns and I have instucted our comp squad guys to delete their Rudy sigs so there is a reduction of Rudy sigs on the forum. By the forum rules we are allowed to do this but we have allot of shooters on the two teams so I can understand the concerns.

    Area 1 should be a great match and we look forward to helping out with some cool prizes for the shooters.

  8. All of the Sand/Grand bagging does not matter if access to the prize table is done by finishing order per Division regardless of Classification. If you win your Class then you get a little trophy, ribbon, Pat on the back, kick in the nuts or whatever. But prize table access should only be done by finishing order. I don't see any better motivator on getting better than that.

    The American Competition Mentality of “If I can’t win, I don’t want to play” kills me. This is why we have six different divisions (Open, Limited, Limited-10, Production, Single Stack, and Revolver) and then seven classifications within each division (GM, M, A, B, C, D, and U). Not to mention the sub classes within each one of those Divisions (Law, Lady, Senior, Super Senior, Junior, etc). All of these divisions, classes and categories are nothing more than something to appease the “If I can’t win, I don’t want to play” factor.

    Just go shoot and have fun while doing it. Does it really have to be more complicated than that?

    I agree with this assesment of our prize system. It should be by order of finish. Our entire American culture is based on rewarding the winners and it should not be tread upon in my view. This motivates people into doing better and creates great competition! If you have a match were the prize table is random drawing then the shooters that worked hard and made the win happen are not rewared based on performance. If you are there just for the prize table in USPSA handgun then you should really switch over to 3 gun hahahaha their prize tables have far more top prizes on them!!

    The classification system works in my view although anything can be improved upon! We will always have compeititors that feel they need to "hack" the system in order to look better or to receive a better prize at the larger matches. Peer pressure can go along way in correcting this. Just shoot, have a good time and keep working hard.

    Just my 2cents

  9. Kevin: It will fun seeing you guys again :cheers: Is Don, James and Jerry coming with you? Don should be able to keep you guys awake for the whole trip :roflol: You guys will like this match. It is lots of fun with some stages designed by "Dr Evil"(Jerry). Our monthly matches here are better than some of the big matches I've shot at. Bring your sunscreen and lip balm since it is so dry here :surprise: See you soon. Thanks, Eric

    It will be Don, Elliot, Sean Gaines, Edwin Garcia, Kale Garrestson maybe some of the Dallas crew also. We shall see who can make the trip. Umm Jay - I checked the range altitude and it looks like it is at 4000 or so -- I should be good - we shall see. I can always get a Oxygen bottle to carry from stage to stage hahahaha. Im sure Dave Re will be there also.

    <_< So I have been to three area 2 events, :unsure: I go to a few 3 gun events and just get left out like .... :unsure: the yard help

    <_< my Open guns have not cooled off that much ;)

    :roflol::roflol: O yea sorry Jamie! Thought you were 3 gun only hahaha

  10. Kevin: It will fun seeing you guys again :cheers: Is Don, James and Jerry coming with you? Don should be able to keep you guys awake for the whole trip :roflol: You guys will like this match. It is lots of fun with some stages designed by "Dr Evil"(Jerry). Our monthly matches here are better than some of the big matches I've shot at. Bring your sunscreen and lip balm since it is so dry here :surprise: See you soon. Thanks, Eric

    It will be Don, Elliot, Sean Gaines, Edwin Garcia, Kale Garrestson maybe some of the Dallas crew also. We shall see who can make the trip. Umm Jay - I checked the range altitude and it looks like it is at 4000 or so -- I should be good - we shall see. I can always get a Oxygen bottle to carry from stage to stage hahahaha. Im sure Dave Re will be there also.

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