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Benelli Chick

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Posts posted by Benelli Chick

  1. (The BIG :P ) Rocky Mountain/Johnson 3-Gun group!

    Monthly matches - Aurora,CO - 3rd Saturday

    20-40 shooters, 4 stages - 150 rounds total.

    Johnson 3-Gun (First Annual) - Pueblo West, CO - June 23, 24

    80-100 shooters - 9 stages - 400ish rounds total.

    Rocky Mountain 3-Gun World Championship - Raton, NM - Sept 6-8, 2007

    200+ shooters - 8 stages - 350ish rounds total.

    Denise and JJ

  2. We are so excited to announce that SABRE Defense (after being one of the first sponsors to sign up) will be our major match sponsor! :D For you shooter's - that means at least one awesome rifle in our random drawings! YOU could win a SABRE rifle! :o

    We're doing trophies only, but we already have some great sponsors for great things in shooter's bags. Sportsman's Warehouse, Nordic Components, Flash Target, R & R Racing, Grams Engineering, Arredondo, Cavalry Arms, and DPMS so far! Thank you all so much for supporting (hopefully, the first annual) Johnson 3-Gun!!!! Sponsors are awesome! :)

    As far as sign-ups, we've gotten enough to be good to go, but we could use some more. Don't wait too long though, as it's our first match, we do need to limit the number of shooters to be sure we get you all through the stages smoothly and on time! B)

    Thanks again to Sabre Defense, all our sponsors and all of you who have signed up! We're really looking forward to seeing you all in June!

    Denise and JJ


  3. What a fun match! I really enjoyed it! I kind of agree with Taran about Tactical Iron and Tactical Scoped being separate divisions. They will be that way at Johnson 3-Gun on June 23 and 24 in Pueblo, CO! :D

    Also, I'd like to see some longer shotgun stages. I don't love loading. But the truth is even I can shoot a shotgun pretty well. The loading is the thing in shotgun! It did feel like a lot of speed shoots without a lot of thinking involved. (Mostly! I had some thinking problems on the beer bar stage, but that's just me.) I'd like to see some more choices and thinking involved!...Again...lot's of choices and thnking at Johnson 3-Gun! :rolleyes:

    I was so glad none of the stages got thrown out this year!

    I wanted to thank all the RO's and staff for all their time. It's a lot of work! And it went very smoothly! We got on the road in good time! The prize table was great and it was just a blast! Thanks for no snow this year!

    On the RO thing, a couple thought it had to break the perf to score higher. Everyone else said just touch the line. That kind of thing can get cleared up with the RO's before time.

    As far as DQ'd for safety not on. It happened to me last year. If it's in the rules, you just gotta do it! If a match decides to give a procedural instead, like the man suggests, that's up to them.

    Just wanted to say thanks for a fun weekend of shooting! And thanks to everyone for not running when they saw me coming with my match applications!

    Great match!


  4. I shoot tactical, so maybe I'm just whining, (Though I agree, I haven't seen one smoothly operated regularly yet.) but detachable magazines are definitely an open class item. (And trooper, if you've got it.) How are they different than a speed loader tube? 10 rounds in 4 seconds. Sounds like Open to me.

    Okay, maybe Kurt can load 10 rounds in 4 seconds. But, I think we should put him in open, too! :P Just kidding!

    If it's technology not just fast hands, it's open!

    There's my two cents!


  5. If the match isnt till June, why are you bumping up the match fee so early?


    The reason is... we don't want to cancel like a lot of the other matches have, due to lack of interest. Lot's of people say it sounds good, but since Open Nationals is against it, we don't know if we'll get enough shooters. We're not a regular club and we need to buy targets, shelter, water containers, and everything else. We need to be sure the sponsors we have lined up are going to get a good return. T-shirts should be ordered early to get a good price. We need to give our trophy guy lead time. Just over two months ahead is not that early for a brand new match. We're not like Mile Hi, or Field of Dreams: "if we throw it, they will come". We don't know if enough people will show. JJ doesn't want to build 9 fantastic stages for 30 shooters. We're having dedicated RO's, and over half the match would be them. We've got sponsors willing to put things in bags, but they're not going to be pleased if we aren't doing enough advertising for them. We've got a great caterer lined up, but again, we tell him a big number of shooters and we don't get that many, he's bought too much food etc. It's difficult. I know it's hard for people to know if they can make it. But, we're not Superstition, so everybody isn't fighting like dogs to get in. Their match entries were all due almost 4 months before the match. We obviously don't want to be like that, but we need to know if there are really enough people who really want to come. The only way we can know that is if they get their applications in.

    Maybe there's no room for another 3-Gun match. We envisioned making it a prize match next year and bigger and better, but maybe there just isn't demand for another match. We're already worried because of Nationals. There was nothing in June last year, and now there are lots of matches in June. If we can't get enough people, we'll have to send everybody their money back.

    It was my idea to try to get some more applications in, because I really need to know if we can get enough people to pull this off. We don't really want to charge more money, but we don't know how else to get people to send in their apps soon. So far people say good things, but the apps aren't coming in very fast. You've said you're coming and I haven't seen your app yet. :( Also, JJ has said, if someone really plans on coming, sends in their application, and has to cancel at the last minute, we'll give them a full refund.

    We should be buying stuff already, and we've got no idea how much to buy and we need money to buy it. If we have to cancel, we can't have spent anybody's money. I know of at least two matches that have cancelled for just this reason. We really want to do this...but we'll see if there's really enough interest.

    Hope that answers your question. It may just be worry-wart me, but if we do this, we want to do it right! We want this to be one of the best matches anybody has gone to. We need time to get things together.


  6. As someone who has less buy in to the Johnson name, here's the story!

    Rocky Mountain was taken, as was Colorado, Mile High, and Pueblo, we thought of Conundrum, and various other silly names, but got nothing. So, since the organizers are both Johnsons and we want to start some more 3-Gun matches, because 3-Gun is the BEST! We just went with Johnson 3-Gun. Until just recently, we left out the Big Johnson! :lol:

    Now look what you've started?

    We do hope you'll all come, because we promise it will be fun!


  7. I know we're sounding desperate, but we really need to get some more applications in quick. So, I'm afraid the match price will go up $20 after April 15, 2007! :(

    Here are the apps again to make them more convenient! :lol:

    This is the word document:


    This is a pdf document:


    Thanks to everyone who already sent in their apps and all the RO's that signed up! We think this is going to be a really fun match!

    Visit our website:

    Johnson 3-Gun Website

    Hope to see ya' in June and see your applications soon!

    JJ and Denise

  8. Sorry Paul! I went with the picture JJ took of me when we decided I was Benelli Chick! That little fat girl with the spikey hair was cute, but just not me. And the bikini?!?!? I only shoot pistol in a bikini! I can't shoot three-gun like that! :P

    Thanks for getting me off my bum and making an Avatar though.

    You really should shoot three-gun! There are so many great people that come out to Raton! There's even a couple other Brits that usually join us! They talk funny just like you!


  9. Denise,

    You need an avatar.... post-293-1169603951.gif or this one post-293-1169604339.gif

    Do I really have sticky-uppy hair like that? Kind of scary! :blink: I was trying to find this picture of me with my benelli, but so far, no luck! I don't know about this avatar thing. And the shorts are blue, not turquoise, so...

    Thanks, I think! I do believe I have to think about this! :unsure:

    By the way, when are you going to start shooting 3-gun?

  10. We need to reconfirm with Steve who is writing the scoring program to be sure it'll work, but I'm pretty sure it's no big deal.

    At this point, the answer is yes, Scoped and iron he-man scored together except on rifle stages where they will be scored separately. This is the way we have been scoring tactical iron vs. tactical scoped in the past!

    Just write it in on the application if you're shooting HeMan scoped! We'll reconfirm at registration!

    See ya' in September!


  11. :) It's finally here!

    The Rocky Mountain 3-Gun Match Application for the September 6-8, 2007 match is attached here and you can also find it at rm3g.com. You can find our rules, sponsors, and all sorts of great information on our website. Henning Walgren will be updating our Website's look soon, so check back often.

    Application in word: 2007_Application.doc

    Application in Adobe: 2007_Application.pdf

    We look forward to seeing all of you. We plan 8 natural terrain stages as always. :lol: This year, sponsors will have space in the Coors Center to set up tables, and the competitors will be able to check out all the great products they have to offer.

    JP Enterprises continues to present Rocky Mountain 3-Gun at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, New Mexico with Sabre Defense joining them as our major match sponsor. We appreciate all our sponsors as they allow us to put on such a fun match!

    We're looking for sponsors as well as RO's. :D Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

    Our e-mail is rm3gun@yahoo.com.

    We look forward to seeing you in September!

    Denise Johnson - Match Director

    JJ Johnson - Range Master

    Steve Hulet - Treasurer/Sponsors

    Henning Walgren - Webmaster/Sponsors

  12. Well! I think we've done it! We've posted our application on our website. :rolleyes:


    I'm also attaching it to this post!


    Please note, after reading and thinking, Heavy Metal shooters 55 or over will be allowed to use one optical sight on their rifle and be scored along with the young guys! We'll see how it goes! :P

    Hope everyone has a great Holiday and we hope to see you in June!

    JJ and Denise Johnson

  13. Well, we just got back to Colorado from Georgia (23.5 hrs on the road) and that was still one of the most fun matches I've shot!

    The RO's were really great (Even that weird one who said it was all about me, and the one that told me to breath.) No one dunked me in the lake (even the Brit RO was nice to me.), and that was good!

    I had a blast! Brain fades and all!

    Linda, I'm so sorry the curse, gremlins, whatever, bit you, but thanks for all your efforts!

    Thanks to the army. You guys worked so hard and didn't even get to shoot!

    Just thanks and it was fun all around!

    I can't believe JJ made me drive al the way out there, but it WAS worth it!

    I'm sorry for any questions, but what happened to special categories, military, lady etc? And the same thing happened to JJ as the other guy. Turns out he finished 5th in Open and got a flashlight? Kind of a bummer!

    Anyway, thanks so much for all your hard work and the great organization. It went so smoothly, and stages got caught up and shooting was done so close to on time it was scary! I can't believe the amount of effort you all put in, especially Linda with her communication! You guys are awesome!

    Sorry things didn't work out the way they were supposed to!

    Thanks so much! I hope we get to come back again, drive and all!

    Can I try that grenade launcher one more time? I know I can hit it! I know I can!


  14. Just got back from a very fun Ft. Benning match! Will say thanks to them later, but while there, had a bunch of questions from people about Rocky Mountain.

    The dates are September 6, 7 and 8 of 2007. Once you get a date at Whittington, you keep it.

    The app will be posted on our website after the first of the year. Check out rm3g.com. Henning Walgren is our new webmaster and we hope everyone will find it a lot more helpful.

    I'm already excited as we have 5 sponsors and we haven't even been to the shot show. JP, Sabre, Nordic Components, Brownell's and R&R. These guys are way cool!

    Anyway, wanted to let everyone know we're still out here, though the match is over 10 months away!

    Not much about HeMan Optics! No one cares, has no thoughts, can't read these notes in order to comment on them??

    Just kidding! :D See ya' all around!


  15. Blane's been thinking about adding Optics to HeMan, but then again, he lives in Colorado near Eddie Rhodes. And Blane's getting old(er) too. :P

    There's a question of scoring and some other things, but he said he'd like to hear what you guys (and gals) think on the big question.

    So, should we allow optics in he-man? If we do, it will be scored like tactical is now, with everyone together, but on rifle stages, iron and optics will be scored seperately and then put together.

    Denise and JJ

  16. Well, the amazing Henning Walgren is updating the Rocky Mountain Three Gun Website.

    We've got our new contact page set up so you can contact us with questions or sponsorships, or if you want to RO. The website is rm3g.com.

    The application will be posted on the Website, but not until the end of the year. Once it's posted, you can start sending in apps. We'll give you a heads up here when we post it!

    Please feel free to send us your suggestions or questions.

    Thanks again to the NRA Whittington center for their help and support!

    Thanks also to Brownell's for being the first sponsor to contact us for 2007!

  17. Hey!

    I was awarded 1st place for the Tactical Class, Super Senior category and the posted results indicate that this was in error! Anyone out there know how to find/contact David Powell, the apparent, rightful recipient?


    Apparently, the guys found their mistake as they were cleaning up. Steve has a plaque for Dave and is trying to contact him now! It's all good! Thanks for noticing!

    Don't worry! Hope you had fun!


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